COVID-19 Antibody Pre-appointment Questionnaire Time 0 Data Dictionary

The COVID-19 Antibody Testing (CAT) study collected samples and data on 4000 ATP participants. Participants were invited to complete surveys and attend a study center to provide blood samples at four different time-points (0, 4, 8, and 12 months). The CAT baseline questionnaire collected data during the first time-point of the CAT study which was completed in Calgary (Sept/20-Jan/21), Red Deer (Dec/20-March/21, Edmonton (Jan/21-Apr/21), and Lethbridge (Feb/21-May/21). The survey captured COVID-19-related testing, symptoms, treatment, and public health/prevention behaviours, and associated health and lifestyle risk factors (e.g. chronic conditions).



40 - 84

Age Range

2020 - 2021

Collection Period


Provided Biospecimen
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Survey Variables by Section

Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
18179 CS_AGE_AT_COMPLETION Age when survey completed Age when survey completed Number (Decimal) 1-99 Years
Derived Code
17297 CS_BDRM_NUM Number of bedrooms in the household How many bedrooms are in your household? Number (Integer) 0-20
17298 CS_BTH_NUM Number of bathrooms in the household How many bathrooms are in your household? Number (Integer) 0-20
17296 CS_DWELLING Current dwelling type What type of dwelling do you currently live in? Coded 0,1,2,3,4,88,99,2222,8888,9999
17299 CS_EDU Level of education completed What is the highest level of education you have completed? Coded 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2222,8888,9999
17304 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_DIS Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Unable to work because of sickness or disability Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17300 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_FT Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Full-time employed/self-employed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17303 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_HOME Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Looking after home and/or family Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17308 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_PNA Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17301 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_PT Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Part-time employed/self-employed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17302 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_RT Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Retired Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17307 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_STUDENT Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Student Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17305 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_UNEMP Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Unemployed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17306 CS_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_VOL Current employment status Which of the following best describes your current employment status? Full time means 30 hours or more per week. Part time means less than 30 hours per week. (Select all that apply) - Doing unpaid or voluntary work Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17269 CS_ETHNICITY_ARAB Arab (e.g. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Arab (e.g. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17270 CS_ETHNICITY_BLACK Black (e.g. African or Caribbean descent) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Black (e.g. African or Caribbean descent) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17271 CS_ETHNICITY_CHINESE Chinese How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Chinese Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18116 CS_ETHNICITY_EASIAN East Asian (e.g. China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - East Asian (e.g. China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17272 CS_ETHNICITY_FILIPINO Filipino How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Filipino Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17276 CS_ETHNICITY_HISPANIC Latin American/Hispanic How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Latin American/Hispanic Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17273 CS_ETHNICITY_INDIGENOUS Indigenous person originating from North America How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Indigenous person originating from North America Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17274 CS_ETHNICITY_JAPANESE Japanese How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Japanese Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18117 CS_ETHNICITY_JEWISH Jewish How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Jewish Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17275 CS_ETHNICITY_KOREAN Korean How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Korean Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17281 CS_ETHNICITY_OTHER Other ethnicity How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17283 CS_ETHNICITY_OTSP Other ethnicity - Open text How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17282 CS_ETHNICITY_PNA Ethnicity - Prefer not to answer How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17277 CS_ETHNICITY_SASIAN South Asian (e.g. India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - South Asian (e.g. India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17278 CS_ETHNICITY_SEASIAN Southeast Asian (e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - Southeast Asian (e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17279 CS_ETHNICITY_WASIAN West Asian (e.g. Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - West Asian (e.g. Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17280 CS_ETHNICITY_WHITE White (European descent) How would you describe your ethnicity or race? (Select all that apply) - White (European descent) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17259 CS_GENDER Current gender of the participant What is your gender (how do you currently self-identify)? Coded 1,2,3,4,5,8,2222,8888,9999
17286 CS_HOUSEHOLD_18_59 Adults 18 to 59 years old in the household How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? Adults 18 to 59 years Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17292 CS_HOUSEHOLD_18_59_NUM Number of adults 18 to 59 years old in the household Number of adults 18 to 59 years old? Number (Integer) 1-30
17287 CS_HOUSEHOLD_60_69 Adults 60 to 69 years old in the household How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? Adults 60 to 69 years Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17293 CS_HOUSEHOLD_60_69_NUM Number of adults 60 to 69 years old in the household Number of adults 60 to 69 years old? Number (Integer) 1-30
17288 CS_HOUSEHOLD_70_79 Adults 70 to 79 years old or more in the household How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? Adults 70 to 79 years Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17294 CS_HOUSEHOLD_70_79_NUM Number of adults 70 to 79 years old in the household Number of adults 70 to 79 years old? Number (Integer) 1-30
17289 CS_HOUSEHOLD_80 Adults 80 years old or more in the household How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? Adults 80 years old or more Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17295 CS_HOUSEHOLD_80_NUM Number of adults 80 years old or more in the household Number of adults 80 years old or more? Number (Integer) 1-30
17284 CS_HOUSEHOLD_ALONE Live alone How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? I live alone Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17285 CS_HOUSEHOLD_CHILDREN Children in the household How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? Children Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17291 CS_HOUSEHOLD_CHILDREN_NUM Number of children in the household Number of children under 18 years old? Number (Integer) 1-30
17290 CS_HOUSEHOLD_DK Adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) in household- Don't know How many adults (age 18 or older) and children (under 18 years of age) including yourself are currently living in your household? Don't know Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17321 CS_INCOME Annual household income What is your approximate total household income (from all sources) before taxes? Please include the total income including salaries, pensions and allowances. Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,88,99,2222,8888,9999
17261 CS_INDIGENOUS Indigenous identity Are you an Indigenous person originating from North America? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17262 CS_INDIGENOUS_GROUP_FN Indigenous group - First Nations Which of the following groups do you belong to? (Select all that apply) - First Nations Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17263 CS_INDIGENOUS_GROUP_INUIT Indigenous group - Inuit Which of the following groups do you belong to? (Select all that apply) - Inuit Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17264 CS_INDIGENOUS_GROUP_METIS Indigenous group - Metis Which of the following groups do you belong to? (Select all that apply) - Metis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17265 CS_INDIGENOUS_GROUP_NS Indigenous group - Non-status First Nations Which of the following groups do you belong to? (Select all that apply) - Non-status First Nations Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17266 CS_INDIGENOUS_GROUP_OTHER Indigenous group - Other Indigenous Which of the following groups do you belong to? (Select all that apply) - Other Indigenous Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17267 CS_INDIGENOUS_GROUP_PNA Indigenous group - Prefer not to answer Which of the following groups do you belong to? (Select all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17268 CS_RESERVE Live on or off reserve Do you live on or off reserve? Coded 1,2,8,2222,8888,9999
17322 CS_SDC_INCOME_CHANGED COVID-related change to household income Has your monthly household income changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic? Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17255 CS_SEX_AT_BIRTH Sex at birth What was your assigned sex at birth? Coded 1,2,3,4,8,2222,8888,9999
17257 CS_SEX_NOW Current sex of the participant What is your sex now? Coded 1,2,3,4,8,2222,8888,9999
17311 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_EXTERNAL External workplace has changed Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - External workplace has changed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17310 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_NATURE Nature of work has changed Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Nature of work has changed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17317 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_OTHER Other change to employment Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Other change to employment Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17319 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_OTSP Other change to employment - Open text Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Other specify Text
17320 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_OTSP2 Other change to employment - Open text Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Other specify Text
17318 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_PNA Change to employment - Prefer not to answer Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17316 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_REDEP Redeployed into other essential services for pandemic response Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Redeployed into other essential services for pandemic response Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17315 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_REDHP Redeployed into healthcare for pandemic response Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Redeployed into healthcare for pandemic response Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17313 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_REDUCE Reduced wages/hours Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Reduced wages/hours Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17314 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_UNEMP Loss of employment Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Loss of employment Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17312 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGE_ITEMS_WFH Work from home Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? - Work from home Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17309 CS_WRK_STATUS_CHANGED COVID-related changes to employment Has anything about your employment changed because of the pandemic (e.g. working from home)? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17376 CS_DX_COMPLICATIONS Continuation of symptoms after discharge from hospital Did you continue to experience COVID-19 symptoms or complications related to hospitalization after you were discharged? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17331 CS_DX_CONTACT_DATE Date of contact with positive case On which date did you have first contact with this person after they were diagnosed with COVID-19? If you don’t remember exactly when, please choose an approximate date Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17333 CS_DX_CONTACT_PERSON Contact with a positive case - Relationship to case Who was this person with COVID-19? Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2222,8888,9999
17334 CS_DX_CONTACT_PERSON_OTSP Contact with a positive case - Relationship to case - Open text Who was this person with COVID-19? - Other specify Text
17323 CS_DX_COVID Suspicion of having had COVID-19 Do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17328 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_CONTACT Contact with a positive case Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply) - Contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17327 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_HEALTHPRO Participant told they had COVID-19 by a health care provider Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply) - Told by a health care provider Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17329 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_OTHER Reason for thinking they had COVID-19 - Other Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17330 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_OTSP Reason for thinking they had COVID-19 - Other OTSP Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply)- Other specify Text
17326 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_RESULT Participant received a positive COVID-19 PCR test Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply) - Nasal/throat test result Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17324 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_SELFAS Online screening or self-assessment tool used Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply) - Took a self-assessment online Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17325 CS_DX_COVID_REASON_SYMPT Participant had COVID-related symptoms Why do you think you currently have or have had COVID-19? (Select all that apply) - Had symptoms that could be COVID-related (e.g., fever, sore throat, runny nose, difficulty breathing, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17335 CS_DX_COVID_TEST Received a test for COVID-19 Have you been tested for COVID-19 (including swab and/or blood testing)? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17336 CS_DX_COVID_TEST_NUM Number of COVID-19 tests received How many times have you been tested? For serology/antibody testing please do not include the tests you are doing as part of this ATP serology study. Number (Integer) 1-8
17382 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_NO Involvement in other COVID-related studies - No Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - No Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17381 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_OTHER Involvement in other COVID-related studies - Other Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17383 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_PNA Involvement in other COVID-related studies - Prefer not to answer Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17380 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_SEROLOGY Involvement in other COVID-related studies - Serology testing Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - Serology testing Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17377 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_SURVEYS Involvement in other COVID-related studies - Survey Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - Survey Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17379 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_TREATMNT Involvement in other COVID-related studies - Treatment Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - Treatment Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17378 CS_DX_OTHER_STUDIES_VACCINE Involvement in other COVID-related studies - Vaccine Other than your involvement with ATP, are you involved in any other COVID-related studies? (Select all that apply.) - Vaccine Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17338 CS_DX_TEST_DATE1 Date test was received - test 1 What was the test date? - Test 1 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18123 CS_DX_TEST_DATE10 Date test was received - Test 10 What was the test date? - Test 10 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18127 CS_DX_TEST_DATE11 Date test was received - Test 11 What was the test date? - Test 11 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18131 CS_DX_TEST_DATE12 Date test was received - Test 12 What was the test date? - Test 12 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18135 CS_DX_TEST_DATE13 Date test was received - Test 13 What was the test date? - Test 14 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18139 CS_DX_TEST_DATE14 Date test was received - Test 14 What was the test date? - Test 14 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18143 CS_DX_TEST_DATE15 Date test was received - Test 15 What was the test date? - Test 15 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18147 CS_DX_TEST_DATE16 Date test was received - Test 16 What was the test date? - Test 16 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18151 CS_DX_TEST_DATE17 Date test was received - Test 17 What was the test date? - Test 17 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18155 CS_DX_TEST_DATE18 Date test was received - Test 18 What was the test date? - Test 18 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18159 CS_DX_TEST_DATE19 Date test was received - Test 19 What was the test date? - Test 19 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17342 CS_DX_TEST_DATE2 Date test was received - test 2 What was the test date? - Test 2 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18163 CS_DX_TEST_DATE20 Date test was received - Test 20 What was the test date? - Test 20 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17346 CS_DX_TEST_DATE3 Date test was received - test 3 What was the test date? - Test 3 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17350 CS_DX_TEST_DATE4 Date test was received - test 4 What was the test date? - Test 4 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17354 CS_DX_TEST_DATE5 Date test was received - test 5 What was the test date? - Test 5 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17358 CS_DX_TEST_DATE6 Date test was received - test 6 What was the test date? - Test 6 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17362 CS_DX_TEST_DATE7 Date test was received - test 7 What was the test date? - Test 7 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17366 CS_DX_TEST_DATE8 Date test was received - test 8 What was the test date? - Test 8 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
18119 CS_DX_TEST_DATE9 Date test was received - Test 9 What was the test date? - Test 9 Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17340 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT1 Result of test - test 1 What was the test result? - Test 1 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18125 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT10 Test result - Test 10 What was the test result? - Test 10 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18129 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT11 Test result - Test 11 What was the test result? - Test 11 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18133 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT12 Test result - Test 12 What was the test result? - Test 12 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18137 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT13 Test result - Test 13 What was the test result? - Test 14 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18141 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT14 Test result - Test 14 What was the test result? - Test 14 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18145 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT15 Test result - Test 15 What was the test result? - Test 15 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18149 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT16 Test result - Test 16 What was the test result? - Test 16 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18153 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT17 Test result - Test 17 What was the test result? - Test 17 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18157 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT18 Test result - Test 18 What was the test result? - Test 18 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18161 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT19 Test result - Test 19 What was the test result? - Test 19 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17344 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT2 Result of test - test 2 What was the test result? - Test 2 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18165 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT20 Test result - Test 20 What was the test result? - Test 20 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17348 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT3 Result of test - test 3 What was the test result? - Test 3 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17352 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT4 Result of test - test 4 What was the test result? - Test 4 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17356 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT5 Result of test - test 5 What was the test result? - Test 5 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17360 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT6 Result of test - test 6 What was the test result? - Test 6 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17364 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT7 Result of test - test 7 What was the test result? - Test 7 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17368 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT8 Result of test - test 8 What was the test result? - Test 8 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
18121 CS_DX_TEST_RESULT9 Test result - Test 9 What was the test result? - Test 9 Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17337 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE1 Type of test received - test 1 What was the type of test? - Test 1 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18122 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE10 Type of test received - Test 10 What was the type of test? - Test 10 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18126 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE10_2 Type of test received - Test 11 What was the type of test? - Test 11 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18130 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE12 Type of test received - Test 12 What was the type of test? - Test 12 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18134 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE13 Type of test received - Test 13 What was the type of test? - Test 14 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18138 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE14 Type of test received - Test 14 What was the type of test? - Test 14 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18142 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE15 Type of test received - Test 15 What was the type of test? - Test 15 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18146 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE16 Type of test received - Test 16 What was the type of test? - Test 16 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18150 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE17 Type of test received - Test 17 What was the type of test? - Test 17 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18154 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE18 Type of test received - Test 18 What was the type of test? - Test 18 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18158 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE19 Type of test received - Test 19 What was the type of test? - Test 19 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17341 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE2 Type of test received - test 2 What was the type of test? - Test 2 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18162 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE20 Type of test received - Test 20 What was the type of test? - Test 20 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17345 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE3 Type of test received - test 3 What was the type of test? - Test 3 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17349 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE4 Type of test received - test 4 What was the type of test? - Test 4 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17353 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE5 Type of test received - test 5 What was the type of test? - Test 5 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17357 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE6 Type of test received - test 6 What was the type of test? - Test 6 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17361 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE7 Type of test received - test 7 What was the type of test? - Test 7 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17365 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE8 Type of test received - test 8 What was the type of test? - Test 8 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
18118 CS_DX_TEST_TYPE9 Type of test received - Test 9 What was the type of test? - Test 9 Coded 1,2,2222,8888,9999
17385 CS_DX_VACCINE_AVAIL Vaccine availability Is a vaccine to COVID-19 available to you now? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17390 CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE1 Date vaccine dose received - Dose 1 When did you receive your FIRST dose of COVID-19 vaccine? Date 12/15/2020-Today Date
17392 CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE2 Date vaccine dose received - Dose 2 When did you receive your SECOND dose of COVID-19 vaccine? Date CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE1-Today Date
17394 CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE3 Date vaccine dose received - Dose 3 When did you receive your THIRD dose of COVID-19 vaccine? Date CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE2-Today Date
17396 CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE4 Date vaccine dose received - Dose 4 When did you receive your FOURTH dose of COVID-19 vaccine? Date CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE3-Today Date
17398 CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE5 Date vaccine dose received - Dose 5 When did you receive your FIFTH dose of COVID-19 vaccine? Date CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE4-Today Date
17400 CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE6 Date vaccine dose received - Dose 6 When did you receive your SIXTH dose of COVID-19 vaccine? Date CS_DX_VACCINE_DATE_DOSE5-Today Date
17389 CS_DX_VACCINE_DOSE_NUM Number of vaccine doses received How many doses did you receive? Certain types of vaccines required more than one dose to protect against COVID-19 Number (Integer) 1-6
17402 CS_DX_VACCINE_INTEREST Interest in taking a COVID-19 vaccine Would you be willing to take a vaccine if/when one becomes available?  Coded 0,1,8,9,2222,8888,9999
17386 CS_DX_VACCINE_REC Vaccine received Have you received a vaccine against COVID-19? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17387 CS_DX_VACCINE_TYPE Type of vaccine received Which vaccine did you receive?  Coded 1,2,3,4,9,2222,8888,9999
17388 CS_DX_VACCINE_TYPE_OTSP Type of vaccine received - Open text Which vaccine did you receive?  - Other specify Text
17374 CS_HS_COVID_INT_CARE Admission to intensive care Were you admitted to an intensive care unit? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17375 CS_HS_COVID_INT_CARE_DAYS Number of days spent in intensive care How long did you stay in the intensive care unit? If you don't remember the exact duration,? Please provide the best estimate that you can. Number (Integer) 1-90 Days
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17447 CS_CONTINUED_SYMPTOMS Persisting COVID-related symptoms or complications Do you continue to experience COVID-19 symptoms or complications?  Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17446 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_C Close contact has developed COVID-related symptoms Has any of those person(s) developed COVID-related symptoms? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17441 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_FAM_IN Close contact while experiencing symptoms - Family members living in the same place While you were experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, did you have close contact with any of the following people? Close contact means physical contact such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. - Family members living in the same place Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17442 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_FAM_OUT Close contact while experiencing symptoms - Family members living in another place While you were experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, did you have close contact with any of the following people? Close contact means physical contact such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. - Family members living in another place Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17444 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_FRIENDS Close contact while experiencing symptoms - Friends While you were experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, did you have close contact with any of the following people? Close contact means physical contact such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. - Friends Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17443 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_HOUSEMATES Close contact while experiencing symptoms - Housemates While you were experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, did you have close contact with any of the following people? Close contact means physical contact such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. - Housemates Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17440 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_PARTNER Close contact while experiencing symptoms - Spouse or partner While you were experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, did you have close contact with any of the following people? Close contact means physical contact such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. - Spouse or partner Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17445 CS_HS_SYMPT_CONTACT_WORK Close contact while experiencing symptoms - Work colleagues While you were experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, did you have close contact with any of the following people? Close contact means physical contact such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. - Work colleagues Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17421 CS_SYMPT_AB_PAIN COVID-related symptoms - Abdominal pain Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Abdominal pain Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17417 CS_SYMPT_CHEST_PAIN COVID-related symptoms - Chest pain Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Chest pain Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17404 CS_SYMPT_CHILLS COVID-related symptoms - Chills Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Chills Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17436 CS_SYMPT_DATE Date of first symptom What was the date of your first symptom? If you don’t remember exactly when, please choose an approximate date Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17422 CS_SYMPT_DIARRHEA COVID-related symptoms - Diarrhea Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Diarrhea Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17415 CS_SYMPT_DIF_BREATHING COVID-related symptoms - Difficulty breathing Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Difficulty breathing Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17409 CS_SYMPT_DRY_COUGH COVID-related symptoms - Dry cough Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Dry cough Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17413 CS_SYMPT_EAR_PAIN COVID-related symptoms - Ear pain Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Ear pain Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17406 CS_SYMPT_FATIGUE COVID-related symptoms - Fatigue Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Fatigue Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17403 CS_SYMPT_FEVER COVID-related symptoms - Fever Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Fever Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17405 CS_SYMPT_HEADACHE COVID-related symptoms - Headache Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Headache Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17414 CS_SYMPT_HOARSENESS COVID-related symptoms - Hoarseness Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Hoarseness Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17425 CS_SYMPT_LOSS_APPETITE COVID-related symptoms - Loss of appetite Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Loss of appetite Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17424 CS_SYMPT_LOSS_SMELL COVID-related symptoms - Loss of smell Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Loss of smell Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17423 CS_SYMPT_LOSS_TASTE COVID-related symptoms - Loss of taste Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Loss of taste Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17407 CS_SYMPT_MUSCLE_PAIN COVID-related symptoms - Muscle pain Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Muscle pain Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17419 CS_SYMPT_NAUSEA COVID-related symptoms - Nausea Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Nausea Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17426 CS_SYMPT_OTHER Other COVID-related symptoms Did you experience any other symptoms? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17427 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17428 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP2 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17429 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP3 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17430 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP4 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17431 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP5 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17432 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP6 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17433 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP7 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17434 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_OTSP8 Other COVID-related symptoms - specify Did you experience any other symptoms? - Other specify Text
17418 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_RESP COVID-related symptoms - Other respiratory symptoms Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Other respiratory sy Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17435 CS_SYMPT_OTHER_SEVERE Severity of other symptoms How severe were these symptoms? Coded 1,2,9,2222,8888,9999
17438 CS_SYMPT_RECENT_DATE Date of most recent symptom What was the date of your most recent symptom? If you don’t remember exactly when, please choose an approximate date. Date Date
17411 CS_SYMPT_RUNNY_NOSE COVID-related symptoms - Runny nose Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Runny nose Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17412 CS_SYMPT_SINUS_PAIN COVID-related symptoms - Sinus pain Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Sinus pain Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17408 CS_SYMPT_SORE_THROAT COVID-related symptoms - Sore throat Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Sore throat Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17420 CS_SYMPT_VOMITING COVID-related symptoms - Vomiting Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Vomiting Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17410 CS_SYMPT_WET_COUGH COVID-related symptoms - Wet cough Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Wet cough Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17416 CS_SYMPT_WHEEZING COVID-related symptoms - Wheezing Since January 1, 2020, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please do not include symptoms related to factors you might usually experience/expect, such as seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, or other existing medical conditions - Wheezing Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17369 CS_DX_HOSPITALIZED Hospitalization due to COVID-19 Were you hospitalized due to COVID-19? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17370 CS_DX_HOSPITALIZED_DATE Date of hospital admission What date did you get admitted to the hospital? Date 1/1/2020-Today Date
17372 CS_DX_HOSPITALIZED_DAYS Number of days spent in hospital How many days were you in the hospital? Number (Integer) 1-90 Days
17373 CS_DX_HOSPITALIZED_DAYS_CA Number of days spent in hospital How many days were you in the hospital? Coded 9
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17573 CS_EX_AESTHETICIAN Aesthetician Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Aesthetician Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17574 CS_EX_AIRLINE Airline or Airport employee Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17575 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_ATTENDANT Airline or Airport employee - Flight Attendant Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Flight Attendant Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17580 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_CLEANER Airline or Airport employee - Cleaning Staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Cleaning Staff Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17578 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_GROUND Airline or Airport employee - Ground Crew Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Ground Crew Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18174 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other airline or airport employee - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or airport employee - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17581 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_OTHER Other Airline or Airport employee Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17576 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_PILOT_ENG Airline or Airport employee - Pilot or Flight Engineer Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Pilot or Flight Engineer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17579 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_SECURITY Airline or Airport employee - Security/Customs Officer Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Security/Customs Officer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17577 CS_EX_AIRLINE_TYPE_SERVICE Airline or Airport employee - Customer and Information Service Staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Airline or Airport employee - Customer and Information Service Staff Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17572 CS_EX_BARBER Hairdresser/Barber  Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hairdresser/Barber Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17570 CS_EX_CASINO Casino worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Casino worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17746 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_1 Dec 2020 - Children attending day home If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Day home Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17757 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_1_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending day home How many children attended? - December 2020 - Day home Number (Integer) 1-20
17755 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_10 Dec 2020 - Children attending work/Volunteer activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Work/Volunteer a Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17766 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_10_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending work/Volunteer activities How many children attended? - December 2020 - Work/Volunteer activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17756 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_11 Dec 2020 - Children attending none of the above If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - None of the abov Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17767 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_11_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending none of the above How many children attended? - December 2020 - None of the above Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17747 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_2 Dec 2020 - Children attending daycare centre If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Daycare centre Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17758 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_2_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending daycare centre How many children attended? - December 2020 - Daycare centre Number (Integer) 1-20
17748 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_3 Dec 2020 - Children attending preschool If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Preschool Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17759 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_3_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending preschool How many children attended? - December 2020 - Preschool Number (Integer) 1-20
17749 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_4 Dec 2020 - Children attending before/after school care If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Before/after sch Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17760 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_4_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending before/after school care How many children attended? - December 2020 - Before/after school care Number (Integer) 1-20
17750 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_5 Dec 2020 - Children attending elementary school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Elementary schoo Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17761 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_5_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending elementary school How many children attended? - December 2020 - Elementary school Number (Integer) 1-20
17751 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_6 Dec 2020 - Children attending middle/Junior high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Middle/Junior hi Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17762 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_6_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending middle/Junior high school How many children attended? - December 2020 - Middle/Junior high school Number (Integer) 1-20
17752 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_7 Dec 2020 - Children attending high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - High school Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17763 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_7_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending high school How many children attended? - December 2020 - High school Number (Integer) 1-20
17753 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_8 Dec 2020 - Children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Extracurricular Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17764 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_8_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities How many children attended? - December 2020 - Extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17754 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_9 Dec 2020 - Children attending post-secondary institution If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person in December 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) Select all that apply - Post-secondary i Coded 1,222,288,889,999,220,000,000,000
17765 CS_EX_CHILD_DEC_9_NUM Dec 2020 - Number of children attending post-secondary institution How many children attended? - December 2020 - Post-secondary institution Number (Integer) 1-20
17768 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_1 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending day home If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Day home Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17779 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_1_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending day home How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Day home Number (Integer) 1-20
17777 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_10 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending work/Volunteer activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Work/Volunteer activities Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17788 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_10_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending work/Volunteer activities How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Work/Volunteer activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17778 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_11 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending none of the above If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - None of the above – I have children (18 years of age or younger) li Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17789 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_11_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending none of the above How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - None of the above Number (Integer) 1-20
17769 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_2 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending daycare centre If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? - Select all that applyDaycare centre Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17780 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_2_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending daycare centre How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Daycare centre Number (Integer) 1-20
17770 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_3 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending preschool If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Preschool Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17781 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_3_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending preschool How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Preschool Number (Integer) 1-20
17771 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_4 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending before/after school care If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? - Select all that applyBefore/after school care Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17782 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_4_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending before/after school care How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Before/after school care Number (Integer) 1-20
17772 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_5 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending elementary school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Elementary school Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17783 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_5_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending elementary school How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Elementary school Number (Integer) 1-20
17773 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_6 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending middle/Junior high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Middle/Junior high school Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17784 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_6_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending middle/Junior high school How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Middle/Junior high school Number (Integer) 1-20
17774 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_7 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - High school Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17785 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_7_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending high school How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - High school Number (Integer) 1-20
17775 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_8 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17786 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_8_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17776 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_9 Since Jan 1 2021 - Children attending post-secondary institution If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person since January 1st 2021? Select all that apply - Post-secondary institution Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17787 CS_EX_CHILD_JAN_9_NUM Since Jan 1 2021 - Number of children attending post-secondary institution How many children attended? - Since Jan 1 2021 - Post-secondary institution Number (Integer) 1-20
17683 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_1 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending day home Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17694 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_1_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending day home How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Day home Number (Integer) 1-20
17692 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_10 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending work/Volunteer activities Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17703 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_10_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending work/Volunteer activities How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Work/Volunteer activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17693 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_11 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending none of the above Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17684 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_2 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending daycare centre Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17695 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_2_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending daycare centre How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Daycare centre Number (Integer) 1-20
17685 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_3 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending preschool Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17696 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_3_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending preschool How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Preschool Number (Integer) 1-20
17686 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_4 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending before/after school care Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17697 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_4_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending before/after school care How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Before/after school care Number (Integer) 1-20
17687 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_5 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending elementary school Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17698 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_5_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending elementary school How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Elementary school Number (Integer) 1-20
17688 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_6 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending middle/Junior high school Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17699 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_6_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending middle/Junior high school How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Middle/Junior high school Number (Integer) 1-20
17689 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_7 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending high school Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17700 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_7_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending high school How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - High school Number (Integer) 1-20
17690 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_8 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17701 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_8_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17691 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_9 March 15 to May 15 2020 - Children attending post-secondary institution Alberta announced the mandatory closure of daycare facilities and schools effective March 15, 2020. If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between March 1 Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17702 CS_EX_CHILD_MAR_9_NUM March 15 to May 15 2020 - Number of children attending post-secondary institution How many children attended? - Between March 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020 - Post-secondary institution Number (Integer) 1-20
17704 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_1 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending day home If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17715 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_1_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending day home How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Day home Number (Integer) 1-20
17713 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_10 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending work/Volunteer activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17724 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_10_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending work/Volunteer activities How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Work/Volunteer activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17714 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_11 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending none of the above If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17705 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_2 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending daycare centre If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17716 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_2_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending daycare centre How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Daycare centre Number (Integer) 1-20
17706 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_3 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending preschool If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17717 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_3_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending preschool How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Preschool Number (Integer) 1-20
17707 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_4 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending before/after school care If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17718 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_4_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending before/after school care How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Before/after school care Number (Integer) 1-20
17708 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_5 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending elementary school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17719 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_5_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending elementary school How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Elementary school Number (Integer) 1-20
17709 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_6 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending middle/Junior high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17720 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_6_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending middle/Junior high school How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Middle/Junior high school Number (Integer) 1-20
17710 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_7 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17721 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_7_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending high school How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - High school Number (Integer) 1-20
17711 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_8 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17722 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_8_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17712 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_9 May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Children attending post-secondary institution If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 when public health measures were reduced and some facilities re-opened? (S Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17723 CS_EX_CHILD_MAY_9_NUM May 16 to Aug 31 2020 - Number of children attending post-secondary institution How many children attended? - Between May 16, 2020 and August 31, 2020 - Post-secondary institution Number (Integer) 1-20
17725 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_1 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending day home If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17736 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_1_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending day home How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Day home Number (Integer) 1-20
17734 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_10 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending work/Volunteer activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17745 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_10_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number attending work/Volunteer activities How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Work/Volunteer activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17735 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_11 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending none of the above If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17726 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_2 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending daycare centre If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17737 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_2_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending daycare centre How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Daycare centre Number (Integer) 1-20
17727 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_3 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending preschool If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17738 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_3_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending preschool How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Preschool Number (Integer) 1-20
17728 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_4 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending before/after school care If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17739 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_4_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending before/after school care How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Before/after school care Number (Integer) 1-20
17729 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_5 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending elementary school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17740 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_5_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending elementary school How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Elementary school Number (Integer) 1-20
17730 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_6 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending middle/Junior high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17741 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_6_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending middle/Junior high school How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Middle/Junior high school Number (Integer) 1-20
17731 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_7 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending high school If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17742 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_7_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending high school How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - High school Number (Integer) 1-20
17732 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_8 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17743 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_8_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending extracurricular group sports or recreational activities How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Extracurricular group sports or recreational activities Number (Integer) 1-20
17733 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_9 Sept to Nov 2020 - Children attending post-secondary institution If you have children living in your household, has your child/children regularly (3+ days per week) attended any of the following in person between SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER 2020 (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020 Pleas Coded 1,222,288,889,999
17744 CS_EX_CHILD_SEP_9_NUM Sept to Nov 2020 - Number of children attending post-secondary institution How many children attended? - Between September and November 2020 - Post-secondary institution Number (Integer) 1-20
18169 CS_EX_CHILDCARE Childcare worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Childcare worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18170 CS_EX_COMMUNITY Community aid/Shelter worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Community aid/Shelter worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17539 CS_EX_CORRECTIONAL Correctional Officer Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Correctional Officer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17838 CS_EX_DEC_1 Dec 2020 - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17847 CS_EX_DEC_10 Dec 2020 - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17848 CS_EX_DEC_11 Dec 2020 - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17849 CS_EX_DEC_12 Dec 2020 - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17839 CS_EX_DEC_2 Dec 2020 - Practiced physical distancing in public places How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Practiced physical distancing in public places Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17840 CS_EX_DEC_3 Dec 2020 - Avoided crowded places/gatherings How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17841 CS_EX_DEC_4 Dec 2020 - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17842 CS_EX_DEC_5 Dec 2020 - Limited contact with people at higher risk How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Limited contact with people at higher risk (e.g. an elderly relative) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17843 CS_EX_DEC_6 Dec 2020 - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ (another family or small group of close friends who socialize/interact only with each other) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17844 CS_EX_DEC_7 Dec 2020 - Taken public transit How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Taken public transit Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17845 CS_EX_DEC_8 Dec 2020 - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17846 CS_EX_DEC_9 Dec 2020 - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you How often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17583 CS_EX_FACTORY Factory worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Factory worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17584 CS_EX_FACTORY_TYPE_DIST Factory worker - Distribution centre worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Factory worker - Distribution centre worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17586 CS_EX_FACTORY_TYPE_FACILITY_OTH Other factory worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Factory worker - Other factory worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17585 CS_EX_FACTORY_TYPE_MEATPACK Factory worker - Meat packing plant worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Factory worker - Meat packing plant worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18175 CS_EX_FACTORY_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other factory worker - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Factory worker - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17587 CS_EX_FACTORY_TYPE_OTHER Other factory worker - Specify Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Factory worker - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17589 CS_EX_FARM Farm worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Farm worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17532 CS_EX_FIRST First Responder Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17536 CS_EX_FIRST_TYPE_BYLAW First Responder - By-Law Officer Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder - By-Law Officer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17534 CS_EX_FIRST_TYPE_FIRE First Responder - Firefighter Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder - Firefighter Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18168 CS_EX_FIRST_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other First Responder - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17537 CS_EX_FIRST_TYPE_OTHER Other first responder Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17533 CS_EX_FIRST_TYPE_PARAMEDIC First Responder - Paramedic Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder - Paramedic Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17535 CS_EX_FIRST_TYPE_POLICE First Responder - Police Officer Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - First Responder - Police Officer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17563 CS_EX_FOOD Food service industry worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Food service industry worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17565 CS_EX_FOOD_TYPE_CASHIER Food service industry worker - Cashier Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Food service industry worker - Cashier Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17566 CS_EX_FOOD_TYPE_CLEANER Food service industry worker - Cleaning staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Food service industry worker - Cleaning staff Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18172 CS_EX_FOOD_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other Food service industry worker - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Food service industry worker - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17567 CS_EX_FOOD_TYPE_OTHER Other Food service industry worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Food service industry worker - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17564 CS_EX_FOOD_TYPE_SERVER Food service industry worker - Server Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Food service industry worker - Food and Beverage Server Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17681 CS_EX_GATHERING_IN_NUM Indoor gatherings since March 2020 How many times have you been in a gathering of >10 or more people since March 2020? - Indoor gatherings Number (Integer) 0-200
18177 CS_EX_GATHERING_NUM Gatherings since March 2020 How many times have you been in a gathering of >10 or more people since March 2020? Number (Integer) 0-310
18178 CS_EX_GATHERING_NUM_CA Gatherings since March 2020 How many times have you been in a gathering of >10 or more people since March 2020? Coded 9
17682 CS_EX_GATHERING_OUT_NUM Outdoor gatherings since March 2020 How many times have you been in a gathering of >10 or more people since March 2020? - Outdoor gatherings Number (Integer) 0-200
17569 CS_EX_GROCERY Grocery Store worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Grocery Store worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17506 CS_EX_HEALTH Health professional in community Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings (not in hospital) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17507 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_AUDIO Health professional in community - Audiologist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Audiologist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17508 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_CHIRO Health professional in community - Chiropractor Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Chiropractor Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17509 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_DENTIST Health professional in community - Dentist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Dentist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17510 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_DIET Health professional in community - Dietitian Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Dietitian Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17511 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_FAM_DOCTOR Health professional in community - Family Doctor or Specialist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Family Doctor or Specialist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17512 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_IMAGETECH Health professional in community - Medical Imaging Technicians Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Medical Imaging Technicians Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17513 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_MASSAGE Health professional in community - Massage Therapist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Massage Therapist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18167 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other health professional in community - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community based Settings (not in hospital) - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17515 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_NURSE Health professional in community - Nurse Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Nurse Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17514 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_OPTOMETRIST Health professional in community - Optometrist or Optician Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Optometrist or Optician Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17521 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_OTHER Other health professional Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17520 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_PATH Health professional in community - Speech Language Pathologist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Speech Language Pathologist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17516 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_PHARM Health professional in community - Pharmacist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Pharmacist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17517 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_PHARM_OTH Health professional in community - Other Pharmacy worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Other Pharmacy worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17518 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_PHYSIO Health professional in community - Physiotherapist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Physiotherapist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17519 CS_EX_HEALTH_TYPE_PSYCH Health professional in community - Psychologist or Counsellor Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Health Professional in Community-based Settings - Psychologist or Counsellor Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17488 CS_EX_HOSP Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care) Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17503 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_ADMIN Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Administrative worker in healthcare setting Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Administrative worker in healthcare setting Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17495 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_AID Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Healthcare Aide Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Healthcare Aide Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17491 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_DENTHYG Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17490 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_DENTIST Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Dentist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Dentist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17500 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_DIET Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Dietician Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Dietician Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17496 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_ENVIRO Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Environmental Services worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Environmental Services worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17494 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_IMAGETECH Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Medical Imaging Technicians Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Medical Imaging Technicians Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17497 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_LTAID Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Long term/Nursing Home Care Aide Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Long term/Nursing Home Care Aide Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18166 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other hospital worker - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17492 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_NURSE Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Nurse Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Nurse Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17504 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_OTHER Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Other hospital worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17501 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_PHARM Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Pharmacist Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Pharmacist Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17502 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_PHARM_OTH Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Other pharmacy worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Other Pharmacy worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17489 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_PHYSICIAN Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Physician Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Physician Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17493 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_PHYSIO Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist/Allied Health Professional in hospital setting Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist/Allied Health Professional in hospital setting Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17499 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_SOCIAL Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Social worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Social worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17498 CS_EX_HOSP_TYPE_SUPPORT Hospital or healthcare facility worker - Personal Support worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Hospital or healthcare facility worker (including long term care facilities) - Personal Support worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17850 CS_EX_JAN_1 Since Jan 1 2021 - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17859 CS_EX_JAN_10 Since Jan 1 2021 - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17860 CS_EX_JAN_11 Since Jan 1 2021 - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17861 CS_EX_JAN_12 Since Jan 1 2021 - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17851 CS_EX_JAN_2 Since Jan 1 2021 - Practiced physical distancing in public places How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Practiced physical distancing in public places Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17852 CS_EX_JAN_3 Since Jan 1 2021 - Avoided crowded places/gatherings How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17853 CS_EX_JAN_4 Since Jan 1 2021 - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17854 CS_EX_JAN_5 Since Jan 1 2021 - Limited contact with people at higher risk How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Limited contact with people at higher risk (e.g. an elderly relative) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17855 CS_EX_JAN_6 Since Jan 1 2021 - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ (another family or small group of close friends who socialize/interact only with each other) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17856 CS_EX_JAN_7 Since Jan 1 2021 - Taken public transit How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Taken public transit Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17857 CS_EX_JAN_8 Since Jan 1 2021 - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17858 CS_EX_JAN_9 Since Jan 1 2021 - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you How often have you done the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17814 CS_EX_JUN_1 June, July, and August 2020 - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17823 CS_EX_JUN_10 June, July, and August 2020 - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17824 CS_EX_JUN_11 June, July, and August 2020 - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17825 CS_EX_JUN_12 June, July, and August 2020 - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17815 CS_EX_JUN_2 June, July, and August 2020 - Practiced physical distancing in public places Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Practiced physical distancing in public places Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17816 CS_EX_JUN_3 June, July, and August 2020 - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17817 CS_EX_JUN_4 June, July, and August 2020 - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17818 CS_EX_JUN_5 June, July, and August 2020 - Limited contact with people at higher risk Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Limited contact with people at higher risk (e.g. an elderly relative) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17819 CS_EX_JUN_6 June, July, and August 2020 - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ (another family or small group of close friends who socialize/interact only with eac Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17820 CS_EX_JUN_7 June, July, and August 2020 - Taken public transit Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Taken public transit Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17821 CS_EX_JUN_8 June, July, and August 2020 - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17822 CS_EX_JUN_9 June, July, and August 2020 - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you Alberta lifted the public health emergency declaration in June 2020. How often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2020? - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17790 CS_EX_MAR_1 March and April 2020 - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17799 CS_EX_MAR_10 March and April 2020 - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17800 CS_EX_MAR_11 March and April 2020 - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17801 CS_EX_MAR_12 March and April 2020 - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptom Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17791 CS_EX_MAR_2 March and April 2020 - Practiced physical distancing in public places Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Practiced physical distancing in public places Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17792 CS_EX_MAR_3 March and April 2020 - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17793 CS_EX_MAR_4 March and April 2020 - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17794 CS_EX_MAR_5 March and April 2020 - Limited contact with people at higher risk Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Limited contact with people at higher risk (e.g. an elderly relative) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17795 CS_EX_MAR_6 March and April 2020 - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ (another family or small group of close friends who so Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17796 CS_EX_MAR_7 March and April 2020 - Taken public transit Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Taken public transit Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17797 CS_EX_MAR_8 March and April 2020 - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17798 CS_EX_MAR_9 March and April 2020 - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. How often did you do the following in MARCH and APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17802 CS_EX_MAY_1 May 2020 - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17811 CS_EX_MAY_10 May 2020 - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17812 CS_EX_MAY_11 May 2020 - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17813 CS_EX_MAY_12 May 2020 - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17803 CS_EX_MAY_2 May 2020 - Practiced physical distancing in public places How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Practiced physical distancing in public places Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17804 CS_EX_MAY_3 May 2020 - Avoided crowded places/gatherings How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17805 CS_EX_MAY_4 May 2020 - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17806 CS_EX_MAY_5 May 2020 - Limited contact with people at higher risk How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Limited contact with people at higher risk (e.g. an elderly relative) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17807 CS_EX_MAY_6 May 2020 - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ (another family or small group of close friends who socialize/interact only with each other) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17808 CS_EX_MAY_7 May 2020 - Taken public transit How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Taken public transit Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17809 CS_EX_MAY_8 May 2020 - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17810 CS_EX_MAY_9 May 2020 - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you How often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17590 CS_EX_OIL Oil and gas extraction staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Oil and gas extraction staff Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17593 CS_EX_OIL_TYPE_CLEANER Oil and gas extraction staff - Cleaning staff in camp Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Oil and gas extraction staff - Cleaning staff in camp Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17592 CS_EX_OIL_TYPE_FOOD Oil and gas extraction staff - Food worker in camp Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Oil and gas extraction staff - Food worker in camp Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18176 CS_EX_OIL_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other oil and gas extraction staff - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Oil and gas extraction staff - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17591 CS_EX_OIL_TYPE_OILRIG Oil and gas extraction staff - Oil rig worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Oil and gas extraction staff - Oil rig worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17594 CS_EX_OIL_TYPE_OTHER Other oil and gas extraction staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Oil and gas extraction staff - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17596 CS_EX_OTHER Other employment or volunteer - Open text If you have been working or volunteering since March 1, 2020 and your area was not listed above, please specify - Other specify Text
17540 CS_EX_OTHER_PRIVATE Services requiring entry into private homes Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Other services requiring entry into private homes Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17541 CS_EX_OTHER_PRIVATE_TYPE_CLEANER Services requiring entry into private homes - House cleaners Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Other services requiring entry into private homes - House cleaners Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17542 CS_EX_OTHER_PRIVATE_TYPE_MOVER Services requiring entry into private homes - Movers Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Other services requiring entry into private homes - Movers Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17544 CS_EX_OTHER_PRIVATE_TYPE_OTHER Services requiring entry into private homes - Other Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Other services requiring entry into private homes - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17543 CS_EX_OTHER_PRIVATE_TYPE_TRADES Services requiring entry into private homes - Trades Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Other services requiring entry into private homes - Trades (e.g. plumber, electrician, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18173 CS_EX_PHARMACY Pharmacy worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17571 CS_EX_RETAIL Retail Store worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Retail Store worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17826 CS_EX_SEP_1 Sept to Nov 2020 - Wore a mask in public places indoors or where physical distancing was less possible How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Wore a mask in p Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17835 CS_EX_SEP_10 Sept to Nov 2020 - Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Avoided leaving Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17836 CS_EX_SEP_11 Sept to Nov 2020 - Self-isolated because you thought you were infected with COVID-19 How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Self-isolated be Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17837 CS_EX_SEP_12 Sept to Nov 2020 - Self-quarantined because you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but did not show symptoms How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Quarantined beca Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17827 CS_EX_SEP_2 Sept to Nov 2020 - Practiced physical distancing in public places How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Practiced physic Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17828 CS_EX_SEP_3 Sept to Nov 2020 - Avoided crowded places/gatherings How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Avoided crowded Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17829 CS_EX_SEP_4 Sept to Nov 2020 - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Avoided common g Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17830 CS_EX_SEP_5 Sept to Nov 2020 - Limited contact with people at higher risk How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Limited contact Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17831 CS_EX_SEP_6 Sept to Nov 2020 - Interacted with a ‘cohort family’ How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Interacted with Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17832 CS_EX_SEP_7 Sept to Nov 2020 - Taken public transit How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Taken public tra Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17833 CS_EX_SEP_8 Sept to Nov 2020 - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Practiced public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17834 CS_EX_SEP_9 Sept to Nov 2020 - Carried hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with you How often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public health emergency being put in place) - Carried hand san Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
17523 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER Social and Community Service worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17527 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_AID Social and Community Service worker - Home Care Aide Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) - Social worker - Home Care Aide Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17529 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_COMM_AID Social and Community Service worker - Community Aid/Shelter worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) - Social worker - Community Aid/Shelte Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17526 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_NURSE Social and Community Service worker - Nurse Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) - Social worker - Nurse Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17530 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_OTHER Other social and community service worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17528 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_PHYSIO Social and Community Service worker - Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist/Allied Health Professional Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) - Social worker - Physiotherapist/Occu Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17524 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_SOCIAL Social and Community Service worker - Social worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Social and Community service worker (outside of hospital or healthcare settings; includes services provided in private homes) - Social worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17525 CS_EX_SOCIAL_WORKER_TYPE_SUPPORT Social and Community Service worker - Personal Support worker Social worker - Personal Support worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17557 CS_EX_TAXI Passenger and delivery drivers Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Passenger and delivery drivers (e.g. Taxi, Uber, Lyft, Limousine driver; food delivery such as Uber Eats, Skip the Dishes, restaurant deliveries, etc.; package deli Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17558 CS_EX_TAXI_TYPE_DRIVER Passenger and delivery drivers - Driver Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Passenger and delivery drivers - Driver (e.g. Taxi, Uber, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17559 CS_EX_TAXI_TYPE_FOOD Passenger and delivery drivers - Food Delivery Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Passenger and delivery drivers - Food Delivery (e.g. Skip the Dishes, restaurant deliveries, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17561 CS_EX_TAXI_TYPE_OTHER Other passenger and delivery drivers Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Passenger and delivery drivers - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17560 CS_EX_TAXI_TYPE_PACKAGE Passenger and delivery drivers - Package Delivery Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Passenger and delivery drivers - Package Delivery (e.g. UPS, FedEx, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17546 CS_EX_TEACHER Teacher, school staff and childcare Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17550 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_ADMIN Teacher, school staff and childcare - Administrative Staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Administrative Staff Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17553 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_CHILDCARE Teacher, school staff and childcare - Childcare worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Childcare worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17547 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_ELEM Teacher, school staff and childcare - Elementary School Teacher/Teacher’s Assistant Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Elementary School Teacher/Teacher’s Assistant Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17551 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_FACILITY Teacher, school staff and childcare - School facilities Staff Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - School facilities Staff Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18171 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_NOTLISTED Other teacher/school staff - Not listed Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher/other school staff - Not listed Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17554 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_OTHER Other teacher, school staff and childcare Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17549 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_POSTSECOND Teacher, school staff and childcare - Post-Secondary School Instructor/Teacher’s Assistant Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Post-Secondary School Instructor/Teacher’s Assistant Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17548 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_SECOND Teacher, school staff and childcare - Secondary School Teacher/Teacher’s Assistant Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Secondary School Teacher/Teacher’s Assistant Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17552 CS_EX_TEACHER_TYPE_SOCIAL Teacher, school staff and childcare - Social and Community Service worker Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Teacher, school staff and childcare - Social and Community Service worker Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17556 CS_EX_TRANSIT Transit/Shuttle driver Have you been working or volunteering in any of the following areas since March 1, 2020? - Transit/Shuttle driver Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17448 CS_EX_TRAVEL Travel since January 1 2020 Did you travel outside your home province since Jan 1, 2020? Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17449 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_AB Travel since January 1 2020 - Alberta What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Alberta Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17462 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_AUS Travel since January 1 2020 - Australia What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Australia Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17450 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_BC Travel since January 1 2020 - British Columbia What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - British Columbia Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17463 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_CARR Travel since January 1 2020 - Carribean What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Carribean Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17464 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_CHINA Travel since January 1 2020 - China What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - China Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17465 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_FRANCE Travel since January 1 2020 - France What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - France Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17466 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_GERMANY Travel since January 1 2020 - Germany What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Germany Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17467 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_INDIA Travel since January 1 2020 - India What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - India Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17468 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_IRAN Travel since January 1 2020 - Iran What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Iran Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17469 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_ITALY Travel since January 1 2020 - Italy What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Italy Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17451 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_MB Travel since January 1 2020 - Manitoba What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Manitoba Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17470 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_MEXICO Travel since January 1 2020 - Mexico What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Mexico Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17452 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_NB Travel since January 1 2020 - New Brunswick What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - New Brunswick Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17453 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_NFL Travel since January 1 2020 - Newfoundland What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Newfoundland Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17455 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_NS Travel since January 1 2020 - Nova Scotia What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Nova Scotia Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17456 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_NU Travel since January 1 2020 - Nunavut What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Nunavut Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17454 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_NWT Travel since January 1 2020 - Northwest Territories What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Northwest Territories Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17471 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_NZ Travel since January 1 2020 - New Zealand What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - New Zealand Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17457 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_ON Travel since January 1 2020 - Ontario What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Ontario Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17475 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTHER Travel since January 1 2020 - Other What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17476 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17485 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP10 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17486 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP11 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17477 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP2 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17478 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP3 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17479 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP4 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17480 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP5 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17481 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP6 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17482 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP7 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17483 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP8 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17484 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_OTSP9 Travel since January 1 2020 - Open text What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17458 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_PEI Travel since January 1 2020 - Prince Edward Island What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Prince Edward Island Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17459 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_QC Travel since January 1 2020 - Quebec What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Quebec Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17460 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_SK Travel since January 1 2020 - Saskatchewan What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Saskatchewan Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17472 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_THAI Travel since January 1 2020 - Thailand What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Thailand Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17473 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_UK Travel since January 1 2020 - United Kingdom What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - United Kingdom Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17474 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_USA Travel since January 1 2020 - United States What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - United States Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17461 CS_EX_TRAVEL_TO_YT Travel since January 1 2020 - Yukon What province or country did you travel to? (Select all that apply) - Yukon Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17653 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_1 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Worked from home Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Worked from home (where that was possible for your role) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17662 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_10 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Avoided common greetings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17663 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_11 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Limited contact with higher risk individuals Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Limited contact with people at higher risk Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17664 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_12 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Rode in a vehicle with non-household members Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Rode in a vehicle with 1 or more people who you do not live with Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17665 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_13 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Handwashing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17666 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_14 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Hand sanitizer Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Carried hand sanitizer with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17654 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_2 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a shared enclosed office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Worked onsite – in a shared enclosed office (e.g. Conference room or small office space) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17655 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_3 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a private office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Worked onsite – in a private office Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17656 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_4 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Worked on an open floor Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Worked onsite – in a cubicle on an office floor (open floor plan) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17657 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_5 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Lived onsite Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Lived onsite at work (work camp) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17658 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_6 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Mandatory mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Mandatory practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing wa Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17659 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_7 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Voluntary mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Voluntary practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing wa Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17660 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_8 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Physical distancing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Practiced physical distancing when onsite Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17661 CS_EX_WORK_DEC_9 Dec 2020 - Work activities - Avoided gatherings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in DECEMBER 2020? (After the second public health emergency was declared.) - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17667 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_1 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Worked from home Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Worked from home (where that was possible for your role) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17676 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_10 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Avoided common greetings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17677 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_11 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Limited contact with higher risk individuals Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Limited contact with people at higher risk Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17678 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_12 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Rode in a vehicle with non-household members Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Rode in a vehicle with 1 or more people who you do not live with Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17679 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_13 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Handwashing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17680 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_14 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Hand sanitizer Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Carried hand sanitizer with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17668 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_2 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Worked in a shared enclosed office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Worked onsite – in a shared enclosed office (e.g. Conference room or small office space) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17669 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_3 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Worked in a private office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Worked onsite – in a private office Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17670 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_4 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Worked on an open floor Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Worked onsite – in a cubicle on an office floor (open floor plan) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17671 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_5 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Lived onsite Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Lived onsite at work (work camp) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17672 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_6 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Mandatory mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Mandatory practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17673 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_7 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Voluntary mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Voluntary practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17674 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_8 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Physical distancing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Practiced physical distancing when onsite Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17675 CS_EX_WORK_JAN_9 Since Jan 1 2021 - Work activities - Avoided gatherings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following since JANUARY 1st, 2021? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17625 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_1 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Worked from home Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Worked from home (where that was possible for your role) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17634 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_10 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Avoided common greetings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17635 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_11 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Limited contact with higher risk individuals Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Limited contact with people at higher risk Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17636 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_12 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Rode in a vehicle with non-household members Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Rode in a vehicle with 1 or more people who you do not live with Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17637 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_13 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Handwashing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17638 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_14 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Hand sanitizer Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Carried hand sanitizer with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17626 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_2 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a shared enclosed office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Worked onsite – in a shared enclosed office (e.g. Conference room or small office space) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17627 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_3 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a private office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Worked onsite – in a private office Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17628 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_4 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Worked on an open floor Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Worked onsite – in a cubicle on an office floor (open floor plan) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17629 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_5 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Lived onsite Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Lived onsite at work (work camp) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17630 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_6 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Mandatory mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Mandatory practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17631 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_7 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Voluntary mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Voluntary practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17632 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_8 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Physical distancing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Practiced physical distancing when onsite Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17633 CS_EX_WORK_JUN_9 June, July, and August 2020 - Work activities - Avoided gatherings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 2020? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17597 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_1 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Worked from home Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Worked from home (where that was Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17606 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_10 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Avoided common greetings Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. sh Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17607 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_11 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Limited contact with higher risk individuals Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Limited contact with people at hi Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17608 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_12 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Rode in a vehicle with non-household members Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Rode in a vehicle with 1 or more Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17609 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_13 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Handwashing Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Practiced public health guideline Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17610 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_14 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Hand sanitizer Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Carried hand sanitizer with you w Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17598 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_2 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a shared enclosed office Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Worked onsite – in a shared enclo Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17599 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_3 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a private office Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Worked onsite – in a private offi Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17600 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_4 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Worked on an open floor Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Worked onsite – in a cubicle on a Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17601 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_5 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Lived onsite Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Lived onsite at work (work camp) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17602 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_6 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Mandatory mask wearing indoors Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Mandatory practice of wearing a m Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17603 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_7 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Voluntary mask wearing indoors Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Voluntary practice of wearing a m Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17604 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_8 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Physical distancing Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Practiced physical distancing whe Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17605 CS_EX_WORK_MAR_9 March and April 2020 - Work activities - Avoided gatherings Alberta declared a public health emergency in March 2020. Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MARCH AND APRIL 2020 after the public health emergency was declared? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17611 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_1 May 2020 - Work activities - Worked from home Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Worked from home (where that was possible for your role) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17620 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_10 May 2020 - Work activities - Avoided common greetings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Avoided common greetings (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17621 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_11 May 2020 - Work activities - Limited contact with higher risk individuals Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Limited contact with people at higher risk Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17622 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_12 May 2020 - Work activities - Rode in a vehicle with non-household members Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Rode in a vehicle with 1 or more people who you do not live with Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17623 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_13 May 2020 - Work activities - Handwashing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Practiced public health guidelines for handwashing (e.g. wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17624 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_14 May 2020 - Work activities - Hand sanitizer Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Carried hand sanitizer with you when you are outside the house Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17612 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_2 May 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a shared enclosed office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Worked onsite – in a shared enclosed office (e.g. Conference room or small office space) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17613 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_3 May 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a private office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Worked onsite – in a private office Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17614 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_4 May 2020 - Work activities - Worked on an open floor Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Worked onsite – in a cubicle on an office floor (open floor plan) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17615 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_5 May 2020 - Work activities - Lived onsite Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Lived onsite at work (work camp) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17616 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_6 May 2020 - Work activities - Mandatory mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Mandatory practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17617 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_7 May 2020 - Work activities - Voluntary mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Voluntary practice of wearing a mask indoors when onsite or where physical distancing was less possible Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17618 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_8 May 2020 - Work activities - Physical distancing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Practiced physical distancing when onsite Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17619 CS_EX_WORK_MAY_9 May 2020 - Work activities - Avoided gatherings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following in MAY 2020? - Avoided crowded places/gatherings Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17639 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_1 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Worked from home Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17648 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_10 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Avoided common greetings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17649 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_11 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Limited contact with higher risk individuals Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17650 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_12 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Rode in a vehicle with non-household members Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17651 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_13 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Handwashing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17652 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_14 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Hand sanitizer Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17640 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_2 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a shared enclosed office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17641 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_3 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Worked in a private office Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17642 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_4 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Worked on an open floor Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17643 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_5 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Lived onsite Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17644 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_6 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Mandatory mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17645 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_7 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Voluntary mask wearing indoors Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17646 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_8 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Physical distancing Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17647 CS_EX_WORK_SEP_9 Sept to Nov 2020 - Work activities - Avoided gatherings Thinking about your work/volunteer-related activities, how often did you do the following from SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER 2020? (Alberta declared another public health emergency effective Nov. 24, 2020. Please answer for the period of time prior to the public Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,2222,8888,9999
17487 CS_EX_WORK_VOLUNTEER Working or volunteering since March 2020 Have you been working or volunteering since March 2020? Coded 0,1,8,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17875 CS_CANCER Ever diagnosed with cancer Has a doctor ever told you that you had a cancer or a malignancy of any kind? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17876 CS_CANCER_TYPE_BLADDER Ever diagnosed with bladder cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Bladder cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17877 CS_CANCER_TYPE_BRAIN Ever diagnosed with brain cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Brain cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17878 CS_CANCER_TYPE_BREAST Ever diagnosed with breast cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Breast cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17879 CS_CANCER_TYPE_CERVIX Ever diagnosed with cervix cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Cervix cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17880 CS_CANCER_TYPE_COLON Ever diagnosed with colon cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Colon cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17881 CS_CANCER_TYPE_ESOPH Ever diagnosed with esophagus cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Esophagus cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17897 CS_CANCER_TYPE_INTEST Ever diagnosed with small intestine cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Small intestine cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17882 CS_CANCER_TYPE_KIDNEY Ever diagnosed with kidney cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Kidney cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17883 CS_CANCER_TYPE_LARYNX Ever diagnosed with larynx cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Larynx cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17884 CS_CANCER_TYPE_LEUKEMIA Ever diagnosed with leukemia Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Leukemia cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17885 CS_CANCER_TYPE_LIVER Ever diagnosed with liver cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Liver cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17886 CS_CANCER_TYPE_LUNG Ever diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Lung and bronchus cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17887 CS_CANCER_TYPE_LYMPH Ever diagnosed with Lymphoma (Hodgkin Lymphoma) cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Lymphoma (Hodgkin Lymphoma) cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17888 CS_CANCER_TYPE_LYMPH_NON Ever diagnosed with Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma) cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma) cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17889 CS_CANCER_TYPE_MOUTHTT Ever diagnosed with mouth, tongue, and throat cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Mouth, tongue, and throat cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17890 CS_CANCER_TYPE_MYE Ever diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Multiple Myeloma cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17902 CS_CANCER_TYPE_OTHER Ever diagnosed with cancer - Other Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17903 CS_CANCER_TYPE_OTSP Ever diagnosed with cancer - Open text Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Other specify Text
17891 CS_CANCER_TYPE_OVARY Ever diagnosed with ovary cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Ovary cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17892 CS_CANCER_TYPE_PANC Ever diagnosed with pancreatic cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Pancreatic cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17893 CS_CANCER_TYPE_PROST Ever diagnosed with prostate cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Prostate cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17894 CS_CANCER_TYPE_RECT Ever diagnosed with rectum cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Rectum cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17895 CS_CANCER_TYPE_SKIN Ever diagnosed with skin (melanoma) cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Skin (Melanoma) cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17896 CS_CANCER_TYPE_SKIN_NON Ever diagnosed with skin (non-melanoma) cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Skin (Non-Melanoma) cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17898 CS_CANCER_TYPE_STOM Ever diagnosed with stomach cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Stomach cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17899 CS_CANCER_TYPE_TEST Ever diagnosed with testicle cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Testicle cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17900 CS_CANCER_TYPE_THYROID Ever diagnosed with thyroid cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Thyroid cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17901 CS_CANCER_TYPE_UTERUS Ever diagnosed with uterus cancer Please select the type(s) of cancer. Please only include where the cancer started and not where it may have spread to - Uterus cancer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17958 CS_BONE Ever diagnosed with a bone and joint condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the bone and joint conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17966 CS_BONE_ARTHRITIS_TYPE_DK Arthritis type: don't know Which type(s) of arthritis was it? - Don't know Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17964 CS_BONE_ARTHRITIS_TYPE_OSTEO Arthritis type: osteoarthritis Which type(s) of arthritis was it? - Osteoarthritis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17965 CS_BONE_ARTHRITIS_TYPE_OTHER Arthritis type: other Which type(s) of arthritis was it? - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17967 CS_BONE_ARTHRITIS_TYPE_OTSP Arthritis type: other, open text Which type(s) of arthritis was it? - Other specify Text
17963 CS_BONE_ARTHRITIS_TYPE_RHEUM Arthritis type: rheumatoid arthritis Which type(s) of arthritis was it? - Rheumatoid arthritis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17959 CS_BONE_TYPE_ARTHRITIS Ever diagnosed with arthritis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the bone and joint conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Arthritis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17961 CS_BONE_TYPE_FIBRO Ever diagnosed with fibromyalgia Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the bone and joint conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Fibromyalgia Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17960 CS_BONE_TYPE_LUPUS Ever diagnosed with lupus Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the bone and joint conditions listed below? - Lupus Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17962 CS_BONE_TYPE_OSTEO Ever diagnosed with osteoporosis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the bone and joint conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Osteoporosis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17908 CS_CARDIO Ever diagnosed with heart and circulatory condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17914 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_AFIB Ever diagnosed with atrial fibrillation Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Atrial fibrillation Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17916 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_AGINA Ever diagnosed with angina Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Angina Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17915 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_ARRHYTHMIA Ever diagnosed with arrhythmia Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Arrhythmia Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17911 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_ATTACK Ever diagnosed with heart attack (myocardial infarction) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Heart attack (myocardial infarction) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17913 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_CORONARY_HD Ever diagnosed with atherosclerosis/coronary heart disease (including angioplasty or stents) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Atherosclerosis / Coronary heart disease (including angioplasty or stents) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17912 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_FAILURE Ever diagnosed with heart failure Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Heart failure Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17909 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_HIGH_BP Ever diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension, not including during pregnancy) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - High blood pressure (hypertension, not including during pregnancy) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17910 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_HIGH_CHOL Ever diagnosed with high cholesterol Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - High cholesterol Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17917 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_MURMUR Ever diagnosed with heart murmur Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Heart murmur Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17918 CS_CARDIO_TYPE_VALVULAR_HD Ever diagnosed with valvular heart disease (e.g. aortic stenosis, mitral valve prolapse) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the heart and circulatory conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Valvular heart disease (e.g. aortic stenosis, mitral valve prolapse) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17904 CS_DIAB Ever diagnosed with diabetes Has a doctor ever told you that you had diabetes? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17907 CS_DIAB_TYPE_OTHER Ever diagnosed with diabetes - Other Which type of diabetes was it? - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17905 CS_DIAB_TYPE_T1 Ever diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes Which type of diabetes was it? - Type 1 diabetes Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17906 CS_DIAB_TYPE_T2 Ever diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes Which type of diabetes was it? - Type 2 diabetes Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17927 CS_GASTRO Ever diagnosed with a gastrointestinal condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17931 CS_GASTRO_TYPE_CELIAC Ever diagnosed with celiac disease Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Celiac disease Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17928 CS_GASTRO_TYPE_CROHNS Ever diagnosed with Crohn's disease Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Crohn's disease Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17933 CS_GASTRO_TYPE_GERD Ever diagnosed with persistent acid reflux/Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Persistent acid reflux/Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17930 CS_GASTRO_TYPE_IBS Ever diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Irritable bowel syndrome Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17932 CS_GASTRO_TYPE_ULCER Ever diagnosed with stomach ulcers Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Stomach ulcers Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17929 CS_GASTRO_TYPE_ULCER_COL Ever diagnosed with ulcerative colitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Ulcerative colitis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17973 CS_IMMUNE Ever diagnosed with an immune system condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the immune system conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17976 CS_IMMUNE_TYPE_HASHI_SJS_AS Ever diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjögren’s syndrome, or Ankylosing spondylitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the immune system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjögren’s syndrome, or Ankylosing spondylitis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17974 CS_IMMUNE_TYPE_HIV Ever diagnosed with HIV Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the immune system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - HIV Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17975 CS_IMMUNE_TYPE_WEAK Ever diagnosed with a weakened or compromised immune system (such as Severe Combined Immunodeficiency) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the immune system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - A weakened or compromised immune system (such as Severe Combined Immunodeficiency) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17939 CS_KIDNEY Ever diagnosed with renal disease/kidney failure condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the renal disease/kidney failure conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17940 CS_KIDNEY_TYPE_AC_RENAL Ever diagnosed with acute renal failure Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the renal disease/kidney failure conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Acute renal failure Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17941 CS_KIDNEY_TYPE_CH_RENAL Ever diagnosed with chronic renal failure Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the renal disease/kidney failure conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Chronic renal failure Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17942 CS_KIDNEY_TYPE_STONES Ever diagnosed with kidney stones Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the renal disease/kidney failure conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Kidney stones Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17934 CS_LIVER Ever diagnosed with a liver or pancreas condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the liver or pancreas conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17935 CS_LIVER_TYPE_CIRRHOSIS Ever diagnosed with liver cirrhosis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the liver or pancreas conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Liver cirrhosis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17937 CS_LIVER_TYPE_FATTY Ever diagnosed with fatty liver (NAFLD- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease / NASH – nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the liver or pancreas conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Fatty liver (NAFLD- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease / NASH – nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17938 CS_LIVER_TYPE_GALL_STONES Ever diagnosed with gallstones Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the liver or pancreas conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Gallstones Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17936 CS_LIVER_TYPE_HEP Ever diagnosed with chronic hepatitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the liver or pancreas conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Chronic hepatitis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17943 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH Ever diagnosed with a mental health condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17952 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_ADDICT Ever diagnosed with addiction disorder (e.g. alcohol, drug or gambling dependence) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Addiction disorder (e.g. alcohol, drug or gambling dependence) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17950 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_ANXIETY Ever diagnosed with anxiety disorder Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Anxiety disorder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17946 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_BIPOLAR Ever diagnosed with bipolar disorder Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Bipolar disorder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17951 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_EATING Ever diagnosed with eating disorder Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Eating disorder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17944 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_MAJ_DEP Ever diagnosed with major depression Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Major depression Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17945 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_MIN_DEP Ever diagnosed with minor depression Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Minor depression Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17949 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_OCD Ever diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Obsessive compulsive disorder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17947 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_PTSD Ever diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Post-traumatic stress disorder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17948 CS_MENTAL_HEALTH_TYPE_SCHIZOPH Ever diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the mental health conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17953 CS_NEURO Ever diagnosed with a neurological condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the neurological conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17955 CS_NEURO_TYPE_HEM_STROKE Ever diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the neurological conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Hemorrhagic stroke Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17957 CS_NEURO_TYPE_MIGRAINES Ever diagnosed with migraines Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the neurological conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Migraines Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17956 CS_NEURO_TYPE_MS Ever diagnosed with multiple sclerosis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the neurological conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Multiple sclerosis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17954 CS_NEURO_TYPE_THR_STROKE Ever diagnosed with thrombotic stroke Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the neurological conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Thrombotic stroke Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17977 CS_OTHER_CONDITION Ever diagnosed with other medical condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any other long-term health conditions? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17978 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME1 Other medical condition 1 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 1 Text
17987 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME10 Other medical condition 10 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 10 Text
17979 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME2 Other medical condition 2 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 2 Text
17980 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME3 Other medical condition 3 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 3 Text
17981 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME4 Other medical condition 4 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 4 Text
17982 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME5 Other medical condition 5 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 5 Text
17983 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME6 Other medical condition 6 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 6 Text
17984 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME7 Other medical condition 7 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 7 Text
17985 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME8 Other medical condition 8 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 8 Text
17986 CS_OTHER_CONDITION_NAME9 Other medical condition 9 - Open text Please list these medical conditions - Other condition 9 Text
17919 CS_RESP Ever diagnosed with a respiratory system condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17926 CS_RESP_TYPE_APNEA Ever diagnosed with sleep apnea Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Sleep apnea Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17920 CS_RESP_TYPE_ASTHMA Ever diagnosed with asthma Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Asthma Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17924 CS_RESP_TYPE_CF Ever diagnosed with cystic fibrosis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Cystic fibrosis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17923 CS_RESP_TYPE_CH_BRONCH Ever diagnosed with chronic bronchitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Chronic bronchitis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17921 CS_RESP_TYPE_COPD Ever diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17925 CS_RESP_TYPE_EMPHYSEMA Ever diagnosed with emphysema Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Emphysema Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17922 CS_RESP_TYPE_INT_LUNG Ever diagnosed with interstitial lung disease (lung tissue scarring resulting from other health conditions or exposures) Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the respiratory system conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Interstitial lung disease (lung tissue scarring resulting from other health conditions or exposures) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17968 CS_SKIN Ever diagnosed with a skin condition Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the skin conditions listed below? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17969 CS_SKIN_TYPE_ECZEMA Ever diagnosed with eczema Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the skin conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Eczema Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17971 CS_SKIN_TYPE_PSORIASIS Ever diagnosed with psoriasis Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the skin conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Psoriasis Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17970 CS_SKIN_TYPE_ROSACEA Ever diagnosed with rosacea Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the skin conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Rosacea Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17972 CS_SKIN_TYPE_SCLERODERMA Ever diagnosed with scleroderma Has a doctor ever told you that you had any of the skin conditions listed below? (Select all that apply) - Scleroderma Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
18039 CS_ME_IMMUNISUPPRESSIVE Current use of immunosuppressive medication Are you currently taking immunosuppressive medication? Coded 0,1,2,3,9,2222,8888,9999
18023 CS_ME_SUPP1 Supplement 1 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 1 Text
18032 CS_ME_SUPP10 Supplement 10 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 10 Text
18033 CS_ME_SUPP11 Supplement 11 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 11 Text
18034 CS_ME_SUPP12 Supplement 12 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 12 Text
18035 CS_ME_SUPP13 Supplement 13 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 13 Text
18036 CS_ME_SUPP14 Supplement 14 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 14 Text
18037 CS_ME_SUPP15 Supplement 15 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 15 Text
18024 CS_ME_SUPP2 Supplement 2 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 2 Text
18025 CS_ME_SUPP3 Supplement 3 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 3 Text
18026 CS_ME_SUPP4 Supplement 4 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 4 Text
18027 CS_ME_SUPP5 Supplement 5 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 5 Text
18028 CS_ME_SUPP6 Supplement 6 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 6 Text
18029 CS_ME_SUPP7 Supplement 7 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 7 Text
18030 CS_ME_SUPP8 Supplement 8 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 8 Text
18031 CS_ME_SUPP9 Supplement 9 - Open text Please list each vitamin and/or herbal supplement below - Supplement 9 Text
18022 CS_ME_SUPPLEMENTS Current use of supplements Are you currently taking any vitamins or herbal supplements? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
18038 CS_ME_TRANSPLANT Ever received an organ, bone marrow, or stem cell transplant Have you ever received an organ, bone marrow, or stem cell transplant?  Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17991 CS_MEDICATION Current use of medication Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17992 CS_MEDS_C1 Current use of medication - ACE-inhibitors Medication Type - ACE-inhibitors to lower blood pressure [e.g. benazepril (Lotensin), captopril, enalapril (Vasotec), lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), Ramipril] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18001 CS_MEDS_C10 Current use of medication - Current use of medication - Antivirals Medication Type - Antivirals [e.g., lopinavir-ritonavir, remdesivir] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18002 CS_MEDS_C11 Current use of medication - Allergy Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Allergy medications [e.g., antihistamines, cetirizine, desloratadine] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18003 CS_MEDS_C12 Current use of medication - Asthma medications Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Asthma medications [e.g. selective beta 2-adrenergic agonists like salbutamol (Ventolin), leukotriene receptor antagonists like montelukast (Singula Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18004 CS_MEDS_C13 Current use of medication - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [e.g., ibuprofen such as Advil or Motrin; naproxen such as Aleve] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18005 CS_MEDS_C14 Current use of medication - Other pain/fever relievers Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Other pain/fever relievers [e.g., aspirin, paracetamol or acetaminophen] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18006 CS_MEDS_C15 Current use of medication - Androgen deprivation therapy Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Androgen deprivation therapy [e.g., LHRH agonists and antagonists, goserelin (Zoladex), triptorelin (Trelstar), histrelin, buserelin, and degarelix] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18007 CS_MEDS_C16 Current use of medication - Immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory medication Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory medication [e.g., corticosteroids; disease-modifying anti-rheumetic drugs such as adalimumab (Humira), azathio Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18008 CS_MEDS_C17 Current use of medication - Statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) to lower cholesterol [e.g. pravastatin (Pravachol), lovastatin (Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor), atorvastatin ( Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18009 CS_MEDS_C18 Current use of medication - Other lipid-modifying agents Other lipid-modifying agents [e.g. ezetimibe (Zetia), fenofibrate (Fenoglide, Lipofen), gemfibrozil (Lopid), cholestyramine (Prevalite)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18010 CS_MEDS_C19 Current use of medication - Diabetes drugs Diabetes drugs [e.g. metformin (Glucophage); sulfonylureas such as glyburide; thiazolidinediones such as  pioglitazone; DPP4 inhibitors such as sitagliptin; GLP-1 receptor agonists such as exenatide (Byetta), SGLT2’s such as empagliflozin (Jardiance)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17993 CS_MEDS_C2 Current use of medication - Angiotension II Receptor Blockers Medication Type - Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers to lower blood pressure [e.g. candesartan (Atacand), losartan (Cozaar), telmisartan (Micardis), valsartan (Diovan)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18011 CS_MEDS_C20 Current use of medication - Insulin (short and/or long-acting) Insulin (short and/or long-acting) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18012 CS_MEDS_C21 Current use of medication - Hormone replacement therapies Hormone replacement therapies (estrogen, estrogen/progestin) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18013 CS_MEDS_C22 Current use of medication - Thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones (e.g. Synthroid) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18014 CS_MEDS_C23 Current use of medication - Anti-depressants Anti-depressants [e.g. SSRI’s such as fluoxetine or Prozac, sertraline or Zoloft; NDRI’s such as bupropion or Wellbutrin; NaSSAs such as mirtazapine or Remeron] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18015 CS_MEDS_C24 Current use of medication - Anti-anxiety medications Anti-anxiety medications [e.g. benzodiazepines such as alprazolam or Xanax, lorazepam or Ativan, diazepam or Valium] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18016 CS_MEDS_C25 Current use of medication - Rheumatoid arthritis drugs Rheumatoid arthritis drugs [e.g. methotrexate (Rasuvo), infliximab (Remsima), azathioprine (Imuran), hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18017 CS_MEDS_C26 Current use of medication - Corticosteroids Corticosteroids [e.g. prednisolone (Orapred), prednisone (Deltasone), cortisone, methylprednisolone (Medrol)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18018 CS_MEDS_C27 Current use of medication - Proton pump inhibitors for heartburn (reflux disease) and peptic ulcers Proton pump inhibitors for heartburn (reflux disease) and peptic ulcers [e.g., omeprazole (Prilosec), esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), pantoprazole (Protonix), rabeprazole (Pariet), dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18019 CS_MEDS_C28 Current use of medication - Osteoporosis medication Osteoporosis medication (e.g. bisphosphonates such as alendronate or Fosamax, etidronate, risedronate and zoledronic acid) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18020 CS_MEDS_C29 Current use of medication - Opioid pain killers Opioid pain killers (e.g., oxycodone, methadone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, codeine) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17994 CS_MEDS_C3 Current use of medication - Beta-adrenergic blocking agents (‘beta blockers) Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Beta-adrenergic blocking agents (‘beta blockers) to lower blood pressure [e.g. acebutolol (Sectral), atenolol (Tenormin), bisoprolol (Monocor), meto Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18021 CS_MEDS_C30 Current use of medication - Nervous System drugs Nervous System drugs [e.g., gabapentin (Neurontin), amantadine (Gocovri), apomorphine (Apokyn), cholinesterase inhibitors, donepezil (Aricept), glantamine (Reminyl)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17995 CS_MEDS_C4 Current use of medication - Calcium channel blockers Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Calcium channel blockers to lower blood pressure [e.g. isradipine (Dynacirc), nimodipine (Nimotop), clevidipine (Cleviprex), benidipine] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17996 CS_MEDS_C5 Current use of medication - Diuretics Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Diuretics for high blood pressure [e.g., hydrochlorothiazide (Apo-Hydro), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), indapamide (Lozol), metolazone (Zytanix), chlo Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17997 CS_MEDS_C6 Current use of medication - Renin Inhibitors Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Renin Inhibitors for high blood pressure [e.g. Aliskirin, Reminkirin] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17998 CS_MEDS_C7 Current use of medication - Blood thinners Are you currently taking or have taken any of the medications listed below during the COVID-19 pandemic? - Blood thinners [e.g., apixaban (Eliquis), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), dabigatran (Pradaxa), warfarin] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17999 CS_MEDS_C8 Current use of medication - Drugs to treat angina Medication Type - Drugs used to treat angina [e.g., nitrates, diltiazem, verapamil (Isoptin)] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18000 CS_MEDS_C9 Current use of medication - Current use of medication - Antibiotics Medication Type - Antibiotics by mouth [e.g., Amoxicillin, doxycycline, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, penicillin] Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
18184 CS_BMI BMI BMI Number (Decimal) 10-99 kg/m2
Derived Code
17874 CS_EX_WEIGHT_PNA Weight - Prefer not to answer How much do you weigh? - Prefer not to answer Coded 8
18182 CS_height_derived Derived height Derived height Number (Decimal) 144.5-198.0 cm
Derived Code
18183 CS_weight_Derived Derived weight Derived weight Number (Decimal) 36.29-219.99 kg
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17863 CS_RF_E_CIGARETTES Current e-cigarette use frequency Do you currently use e-cigarettes (vape)? Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
17862 CS_RF_SMOKE Current cigarette smoking frequency At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes daily, occasionally, or not at all? Coded 0,1,2,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17864 CS_RF_CANNABIS Current cannabis use Do you currently use cannabis? Coded 0,1,2,3,8,2222,8888,9999
17865 CS_RF_CANNABIS_METHOD Method of cannabis use Which of the following methods to consume cannabis do you use most often? Coded 1,2,3,4,8,9,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
17866 CS_RF_ALCOHOL Current alcohol consumption How often do you currently drink alcohol? Coded 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
18040 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C1 Surgery cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Surgery cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18049 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C10 Medication shortage Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Medication shortage Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18050 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C11 Other change to accessing health services Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18051 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C12 None or not applicable Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - None or not applicable Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18041 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C2 Medical procedure (e.g. diagnostic or screening) cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Medical procedure (e.g. diagnostic or screening) cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18042 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C3 Treatment  cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Treatment  cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18043 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C4 Other health-related appointment cancelled or deferred (e.g. dental, vision, etc.) Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Other health-related appointment cancelled or deferred (e.g. dental, vision, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18044 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C5 Use of virtual appointments with health care provider Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Use of virtual appointments with health care provider Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18045 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C6 Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about an existing problem or concern Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about an existing problem or concern Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18046 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C7 Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about a new problem or concern Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about a new problem or concern Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18047 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C8 Delayed routine healthcare service or visit (e.g. procedure, treatment or lab test ) Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Delayed routine healthcare service or visit (e.g. procedure, treatment or lab test ) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18048 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C9 Regular lab tests cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Regular lab tests cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18052 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_OTSP If other - open text Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
18053 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C1 Reason for health service delay - I was not comfortable seeking health services If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I was not comfortable seeking health services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18054 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C2 Reason for health service delay - Regular health service provider was not accepting appointments If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - Regular health service provider was not accepting appointments Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18055 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C3 Reason for health service delay - I wanted to ensure the health system was available to others who may need it If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I wanted to ensure the health system was available to others who may need it Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18056 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C4 Reason for health service delay - I lost my health benefits If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I lost my health benefits (e.g. my hours were reduced and/or I was laid off) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18057 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C5 Reason for health service delay - I could not afford to access the services If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I could not afford to access the services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18058 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C6 Other reason for delayed health services If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18059 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_OTSP Other reason for delayed health services - Open text If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - Other specify Text
18099 CS_EQ_ACTIVITY What best describes your health today - Usual activities Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Usual activities (e.g., work, study, housework, family or leisure activities) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18101 CS_EQ_ANXIETY What best describes your health today - Anxiety/depression Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Anxiety/depression Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18102 CS_EQ_HEALTH_TODAY General health status today We would like to know how good or bad your health is TODAY. This scale is numbered from 0 to 100. 100 means the best health you can imagine. 0 means the worst health you can imagine. Please indicate how your health is TODAY Number (Integer) 1-100
18097 CS_EQ_MOBILITY What best describes your health today - Mobility Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Mobility Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18100 CS_EQ_PAIN What best describes your health today - Pain/discomfort Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Pain/discomfort Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18098 CS_EQ_SELFCARE What best describes your health today - Self-care Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Self-care Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18060 CS_HS_1_FEELING_NERVOUS Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18068 CS_HS_1_LITTLE_INTEREST Little interest or pleasure in doing things Little interest or pleasure in doing things Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18061 CS_HS_2_CONSTANT_WORRYING Not being able to stop or control worrying Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Not being able to stop or control worrying Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18069 CS_HS_2_FEELING_DEPRESSED Feeling down, depressed or hopeless Feeling down, depressed or hopeless Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18062 CS_HS_3_EXCESSIVE_WORRYING Worrying too much about different things Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Worrying too much about different things Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18070 CS_HS_3_SLEEPING_PROB Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18071 CS_HS_4_FEELING_TIRED Feeling tired or having little energy Feeling tired or having little energy Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18063 CS_HS_4_TROUBLE_RELAXING Trouble relaxing Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Trouble relaxing Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18072 CS_HS_5_EATING_PROB Poor appetite or overeating Poor appetite or overeating Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18064 CS_HS_5_TOO_RESTLESS Being so restless that it’s hard to sit still Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Being so restless that it’s hard to sit still Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18065 CS_HS_6_EASILY_ANNOYED Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18073 CS_HS_6_SELF_CONF_PROB Feeling bad about yourself Feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18074 CS_HS_7_CONCENTRATE_PROB Trouble concentrating on things Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18066 CS_HS_7_FEELING_AFRAID Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18075 CS_HS_8_SLOW_FAST_PROB Moving or speaking slowly or being fidgety or restless Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18067 CS_HS_IMPACT_ANXIOUS Impact anxiety symptoms If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18076 CS_HS_IMPACT_DEPRESSIVE Impact depressive symptoms If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18089 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C1 Accessed mental health services for anxiety Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Anxiety Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18090 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C2 Accessed mental health services for depression Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Depression Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18091 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C3 Accessed mental health services for stress Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Stress Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18092 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C4 Accessed mental health services for other reasons Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18093 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C5 Accessed mental health services - Prefer not to answer Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18094 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C6 Accessed mental health services - Don't know Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Don't know Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18095 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_OTSP Accessed mental health services for other reasons - Open text Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Other specify Text
18096 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_OTSP2 Accessed mental health services for other reasons - Open text Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Other specify Text
18077 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C1 Accessed mental health services - No, did not need it Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I did not need it Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18086 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C10 Accessed mental health services - Prefer not to answer Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18087 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C11 Accessed mental health services - Don't know Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Don't know Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18078 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C2 Accessed mental health services - No, not comfortable Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I was not comfortable seeking mental health support Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18079 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C3 Accessed mental health services - No, provider was not accepting appointments Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No - My regular mental health professional was not accepting appointments Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18080 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C4 Accessed mental health services - No, could not find provider Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I could not find a new mental health professional that was accepting clients Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18081 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C5 Accessed mental health services - No, lost health benefits Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I lost my health benefits (e.g., my hours were reduced and/or I was laid off) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18082 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C6 Accessed mental health services - No, could not afford to Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I could not afford to access mental health services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18083 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C7 Accessed mental health services - Yes, using existing resources Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Yes - Using resources that I already had in place Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18084 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C8 Accessed mental health services - Yes, initiated new use of services Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Yes – I have initiated new use of services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18085 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C9 Accessed mental health services - Other Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18088 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_OTSP Accessed mental health services - Open text Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17867 CS_RF_FAMILY_PHYSICIAN Family physician Do you have a family physician/primary care provider? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17868 CS_RF_FLU_SHOT Flu shot during 2020-2021 flu season Did you get a flu shot for the 2020/21 flu season? Flu shots generally run from October to March Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17989 CS_WH_LAST_MENSTRUAL_DATE Date of last period When did your last period start? If you don’t remember the exact date, please provide the best estimate that you can Date 05/31/2020-Today Date
17988 CS_WH_MENSTRUAL_PERIOD Menstrual period in last 3 months Have you had a menstrual period in the last 3 months? Coded 1,2,8,9,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
18040 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C1 Surgery cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Surgery cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18049 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C10 Medication shortage Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Medication shortage Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18050 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C11 Other change to accessing health services Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18051 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C12 None or not applicable Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - None or not applicable Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18041 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C2 Medical procedure (e.g. diagnostic or screening) cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Medical procedure (e.g. diagnostic or screening) cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18042 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C3 Treatment  cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Treatment  cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18043 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C4 Other health-related appointment cancelled or deferred (e.g. dental, vision, etc.) Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Other health-related appointment cancelled or deferred (e.g. dental, vision, etc.) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18044 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C5 Use of virtual appointments with health care provider Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Use of virtual appointments with health care provider Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18045 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C6 Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about an existing problem or concern Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about an existing problem or concern Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18046 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C7 Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about a new problem or concern Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Delayed seeing a healthcare professional about a new problem or concern Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18047 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C8 Delayed routine healthcare service or visit (e.g. procedure, treatment or lab test ) Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Delayed routine healthcare service or visit (e.g. procedure, treatment or lab test ) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18048 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_C9 Regular lab tests cancelled or deferred Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Regular lab tests cancelled or deferred Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18052 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_OTSP If other - open text Since March 2020, access to health services may have changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes related to your healthcare? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
18053 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C1 Reason for health service delay - I was not comfortable seeking health services If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I was not comfortable seeking health services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18054 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C2 Reason for health service delay - Regular health service provider was not accepting appointments If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - Regular health service provider was not accepting appointments Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18055 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C3 Reason for health service delay - I wanted to ensure the health system was available to others who may need it If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I wanted to ensure the health system was available to others who may need it Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18056 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C4 Reason for health service delay - I lost my health benefits If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I lost my health benefits (e.g. my hours were reduced and/or I was laid off) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18057 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C5 Reason for health service delay - I could not afford to access the services If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - I could not afford to access the services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18058 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_C6 Other reason for delayed health services If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18059 CS_DIS_HC_CHANGED_REASON_OTSP Other reason for delayed health services - Open text If you delayed pursuing a health service or treatment, what were the reasons (select all that apply) - Other specify Text
18099 CS_EQ_ACTIVITY What best describes your health today - Usual activities Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Usual activities (e.g., work, study, housework, family or leisure activities) Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18101 CS_EQ_ANXIETY What best describes your health today - Anxiety/depression Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Anxiety/depression Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18102 CS_EQ_HEALTH_TODAY General health status today We would like to know how good or bad your health is TODAY. This scale is numbered from 0 to 100. 100 means the best health you can imagine. 0 means the worst health you can imagine. Please indicate how your health is TODAY Number (Integer) 1-100
18097 CS_EQ_MOBILITY What best describes your health today - Mobility Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Mobility Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18100 CS_EQ_PAIN What best describes your health today - Pain/discomfort Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Pain/discomfort Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18098 CS_EQ_SELFCARE What best describes your health today - Self-care Please select the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY - Self-care Coded 1,2,3,4,5,2222,8888,9999
18060 CS_HS_1_FEELING_NERVOUS Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18068 CS_HS_1_LITTLE_INTEREST Little interest or pleasure in doing things Little interest or pleasure in doing things Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18061 CS_HS_2_CONSTANT_WORRYING Not being able to stop or control worrying Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Not being able to stop or control worrying Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18069 CS_HS_2_FEELING_DEPRESSED Feeling down, depressed or hopeless Feeling down, depressed or hopeless Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18062 CS_HS_3_EXCESSIVE_WORRYING Worrying too much about different things Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Worrying too much about different things Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18070 CS_HS_3_SLEEPING_PROB Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18071 CS_HS_4_FEELING_TIRED Feeling tired or having little energy Feeling tired or having little energy Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18063 CS_HS_4_TROUBLE_RELAXING Trouble relaxing Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Trouble relaxing Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18072 CS_HS_5_EATING_PROB Poor appetite or overeating Poor appetite or overeating Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18064 CS_HS_5_TOO_RESTLESS Being so restless that it’s hard to sit still Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Being so restless that it’s hard to sit still Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18065 CS_HS_6_EASILY_ANNOYED Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18073 CS_HS_6_SELF_CONF_PROB Feeling bad about yourself Feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18074 CS_HS_7_CONCENTRATE_PROB Trouble concentrating on things Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18066 CS_HS_7_FEELING_AFRAID Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Since March 2020, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? - Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18075 CS_HS_8_SLOW_FAST_PROB Moving or speaking slowly or being fidgety or restless Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18067 CS_HS_IMPACT_ANXIOUS Impact anxiety symptoms If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18076 CS_HS_IMPACT_DEPRESSIVE Impact depressive symptoms If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? Coded 0,1,2,3,2222,8888,9999
18089 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C1 Accessed mental health services for anxiety Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Anxiety Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18090 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C2 Accessed mental health services for depression Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Depression Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18091 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C3 Accessed mental health services for stress Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Stress Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18092 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C4 Accessed mental health services for other reasons Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18093 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C5 Accessed mental health services - Prefer not to answer Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18094 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_C6 Accessed mental health services - Don't know Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Don't know Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18095 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_OTSP Accessed mental health services for other reasons - Open text Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Other specify Text
18096 CS_HS_MH_SERV_CONDITIONS_OTSP2 Accessed mental health services for other reasons - Open text Did you access mental health services for any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply) - Other specify Text
18077 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C1 Accessed mental health services - No, did not need it Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I did not need it Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18086 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C10 Accessed mental health services - Prefer not to answer Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Prefer not to answer Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18087 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C11 Accessed mental health services - Don't know Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Don't know Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18078 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C2 Accessed mental health services - No, not comfortable Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I was not comfortable seeking mental health support Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18079 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C3 Accessed mental health services - No, provider was not accepting appointments Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No - My regular mental health professional was not accepting appointments Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18080 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C4 Accessed mental health services - No, could not find provider Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I could not find a new mental health professional that was accepting clients Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18081 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C5 Accessed mental health services - No, lost health benefits Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I lost my health benefits (e.g., my hours were reduced and/or I was laid off) Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18082 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C6 Accessed mental health services - No, could not afford to Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - No – I could not afford to access mental health services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18083 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C7 Accessed mental health services - Yes, using existing resources Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Yes - Using resources that I already had in place Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18084 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C8 Accessed mental health services - Yes, initiated new use of services Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Yes – I have initiated new use of services Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18085 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_C9 Accessed mental health services - Other Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Other Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
18088 CS_HS_MH_SERV_EVER_OTSP Accessed mental health services - Open text Since March 2020, have you accessed mental health services? (Select all that apply) - Other specify Text
17867 CS_RF_FAMILY_PHYSICIAN Family physician Do you have a family physician/primary care provider? Coded 0,1,9,2222,8888,9999
17868 CS_RF_FLU_SHOT Flu shot during 2020-2021 flu season Did you get a flu shot for the 2020/21 flu season? Flu shots generally run from October to March Coded 0,1,2222,8888,9999
17989 CS_WH_LAST_MENSTRUAL_DATE Date of last period When did your last period start? If you don’t remember the exact date, please provide the best estimate that you can Date 05/31/2020-Today Date
17988 CS_WH_MENSTRUAL_PERIOD Menstrual period in last 3 months Have you had a menstrual period in the last 3 months? Coded 1,2,8,9,2222,8888,9999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
18181 DATE_OF_COMPLETION Date when survey completed Date when survey completed Date Date
Derived Code
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