Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire (HLQ) Data Dictionary

This survey contained questions about personal and family health history, cancer screening behaviour, reproductive health, smoking, sun exposure, spirituality, social support and stress, body measurements and demographic characteristics.



32 - 70

Age Range

2000 - 2008

Collection Period


Provided Biospecimen
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Survey Variables by Section

Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
11708 HLQ_AGE_AT_SURVEY_RECEIPT Age Participant's age at HLQ receipt Number (Integer) Range: 1 - 99 years
Derived Code
10186 HLQ_COMPLETED_CDHQ1 Completed CDHQ-1 Has the participant completed the Canadian Diet History Questionnaire (CDHQ-1) at enrollment? Coded 0, 1
Derived Code
6177 HLQ_COMPLETED_PYTPAQ Completed PYTPAQ Has the participant completed the Past Year Physical Activity Questionaire (PYTPAQ) at enrollment? Coded 0, 1
Derived Code
6178 HLQ_COMPLETED_S04_EXPRESS Completed S04 Express Has the participant completed Survey 2004 Express (S04Express) at follow-up? Coded 0, 1
Derived Code
6175 HLQ_FULLY_ENROLLED Fully Enrolled Identifies whether the participant is fully enrolled Coded 0, 1
Derived Code
6168 HLQ_HOUSEHOLD_ID Household ID ID number that identifies a specific household occupied by multiple participants Number (Integer) Any
6179 HLQ_IN_AB Residence in Alberta Is the participant's residence in Alberta when completed HLQ? Coded 0, 1
5561 HLQ_PARTICIPANT_IN_HOUSEHOLD Participants in Household Was the Participant enrolled with another enrolled participant in the same household? Coded 1,2, 888
10188 HLQ_PRIOR_CANCER Prior Cancer Participant's cancer diagnosis prior to enrollment. Coded 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 5555
6187 HLQ_RURAL_URBAN Rural or Urban Participant's residence: Rural or Urban location Coded 1, 2, 3
Derived Code
12554 HLQ_SEASON_RECEIVED Season Received Identifies the season in which the survey was received. Coded 1, 2, 3, 4
Derived Code
5564 HLQ_VERSION HLQ Version The questionnaire version from which the data was obtained Coded HLQv1, HLQv2, HLQv3, HLQv4, HLQv5
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6102 HLQ_ABDOMEN Abdomen Participant's circumference of the abdomen, self-measured one inch above the belly button Number (Decimal) Range: Female 43-132, Male 63-139, 999 cm
Derived Code
6101 HLQ_BMI BMI Participant's BMI Number (Decimal) Range: 10-90, 999 Kg/m2
Derived Code
6093 HLQ_HEIGHT Height Participant's average self-measured height Number (Decimal) Range: Female 144-182, Male 156-198, 999 cm
Derived Code
6104 HLQ_HIP Hip Participant's average self-measured circumference of the largest portion of the hip Number (Decimal) Range: Female 67-144, Male 74-132 cm
Derived Code
6095 HLQ_WEIGHT Weight Participant's self-measured weight Coded Range: Female 25-119, Male 42-134, 999 kg
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6117 HLQ_DEM_1 Marital Status What is your current marital status? (Please choose ONE) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 999
6119 HLQ_DEM_2 Education Level What is the highest level of education you have finished? (Please choose ONE) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 999
6120 HLQ_DEM_3 Employment Status What is your current occupational status? (Please choose ONE) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 999
6124 HLQ_DEM_3_OTHER Employment Status What is your current employment status? Other (Please Specify) Text 2222, 888, 999
16501 HLQ_DEM_4_CURRENT_TYPEOFWORK Current Type of Work If you currently work for pay, or are self employed, what type of work do you do in your job? Text text, 888,999
16502 HLQ_DEM_5_CURRENT_JOB_TITLE Current Job Title What is your job title? Text text, 888,999
6129 HLQ_DEM_7 Household Income What was your approximate total household income before taxes last year? (Please choose ONE) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 999
6132 HLQ_DEM_8_1 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: British (e.g. English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh) Coded 0, 1, 999
6144 HLQ_DEM_8_10 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Pacific Islands (e.g. Fijian, Polynesian, Hawaiian). Coded 0, 1, 999
6145 HLQ_DEM_8_11 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Australian/New Zealander. Coded 0, 1, 999
6148 HLQ_DEM_8_12 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Arab/Middle Eastern (e.g. Egyptian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Maghrebi, Moroccan, Palestinian, Syrian Coded 0, 1, 999
6151 HLQ_DEM_8_13 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Latin/Central American (e.g. Costa Rican, Nicaraguan, Mexican, Salvadorian) Coded 0, 1, 999
6152 HLQ_DEM_8_14 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: South American (e.g. Argentinean, Brazilian, Bolivian, Chilean, Peruvian) Coded 0, 1, 999
6154 HLQ_DEM_8_15 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: North American (e.g. Canadian, American, Quebecois) Coded 0, 1, 999
6155 HLQ_DEM_8_16 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Caribbean (e.g. Barbadian, Cuban, Guyanese, Haitian, Jamaican, Trinidadian, Tobagonian) Coded 0, 1, 999
6157 HLQ_DEM_8_17 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: African (e.g. Angolan, Black, Congolese, East African, Ethiopian, Kenya, Nigerian, Somali, Ugandan) Coded 0, 1, 999
6159 HLQ_DEM_8_18 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: South African (e.g. Afrikaner) Coded 0, 1, 999
6160 HLQ_DEM_8_19 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Aboriginal (e.g. North American Indian, Metis, Inuit). Coded 0, 1, 999
6135 HLQ_DEM_8_2 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: French (e.g. French, Acadian) Coded 0, 1, 999
6161 HLQ_DEM_8_20 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Other Coded 0, 1, 999
6163 HLQ_DEM_8_21 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Don’t Know. Coded 0, 1, 999, 2222
6136 HLQ_DEM_8_3 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Western European (e.g. Austrian, Dutch, Belgian, German, Swiss) Coded 0, 1, 999
6137 HLQ_DEM_8_4 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Eastern European (e.g. Czech Republic, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian) Coded 0, 1, 999
6138 HLQ_DEM_8_5 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Northern European (e.g. Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish) Coded 0, 1, 999
6139 HLQ_DEM_8_6 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Southern European (e.g. Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Cypriot, Greek, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Yugoslav) Coded 0, 1, 999
6146 HLQ_DEM_8_7 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: East/Southeast Asian (e.g. Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino) Coded 0, 1, 999
6142 HLQ_DEM_8_8 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: South Asian (e.g. Bangladeshi, Bengali, East Indian, Gujarati, Pakistani, Punjabi, Sinhalese, Sri Lankan, Tamil). Coded 0, 1, 999
6143 HLQ_DEM_8_9 Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: West Asian (e.g. Afghan, Armenian, Iranian, Israeli, Kurdish, Turkish). Coded 0, 1, 999
6162 HLQ_DEM_8_OTHER Ethnicity Participant's ancestral ethnic group: Other (Please specify) Text 888, 999
16494 HLQ_ISCO_CATEGORY_current_job ISCO 2008 code The International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 Code Text text, 888, 999
Derived Code
16493 HLQ_NOC_CATEGORY_Current_job NOC 2011 Code National Occupational Classification 2011 Code Text text, 888,999
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5926 HLQ_FDR_CANCER_AGE FDR Cancer Age Age of first degree relative when first diagnosed with cancer Number (Integer) Range: 1 - 99 years
Derived Code
11078 HLQ_FDR_CANCER_RELATIONSHIP FDR Cancer Relationship Relationship of first degree relative diagnosed with cancer to Participant Text Must be Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Daughter or Son
Derived Code
11080 HLQ_FDR_CANCER_TYPE FDR Cancer Type Type of primary cancer diagnosed in first degree relative Text Must be a valid cancer
Derived Code
11086 HLQ_FDR_CHRONIC_CONDITION FDR Chronic Health Condition Chronic disease that first degree relative is diagnosed with Text Must be diabetes, heart attack, stroke
Derived Code
11084 HLQ_FDR_CHRONIC_CONDITION_AGE FDR Age Condition Diagnosed Age of first degree relative when first diagnosed with chronic disease Number (Integer) Range: 1 - 99 years
Derived Code
11085 HLQ_FDR_CHRONIC_CONDITION_RELATIONSHIP FDR Chronic Condition Relationship Relationship of first degree relative diagnosed with chronic disease to Participant Text Must be Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Daughter or Son
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5634 HLQ_FMH_1_1 Sisters Reach Adulthood Have you ever had any full-blooded sisters who reached adulthood (age 21)? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5635 HLQ_FMH_1_2 How Many Sisters Reach Adulthood If you ever had any full-blooded sisters who reached adulthood, how many sisters reached adulthood? (age 21). Number (Integer) Range: 1-10, 888, 999 number of sisters
5649 HLQ_FMH_10 Father Age at Death If your biological father is not alive, how old was your father when he died? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 888, 999
5636 HLQ_FMH_2_1 Brothers Reach Adulthood Have you ever had any full-blooded brothers who reached adulthood (age 21)? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5637 HLQ_FMH_2_2 How Many Brothers Reach Adulthood If you ever had any full-blooded brothers who reached adulthood, how many brothers reached adulthood? (age 21) Number (Integer) Range: 1-10, 888, 999 number of brothers
5639 HLQ_FMH_3_1 Daughters Reach Adulthood Have you ever had any daughters who reached adulthood (age 21)? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5640 HLQ_FMH_3_2 How Many Daughters Reach Adulthood If you ever had any daughters who reached adulthood, how many daughters reached adulthood? (age 21). Number (Integer) Range: 1-10, 888, 999 number of daughters
5642 HLQ_FMH_4_1 Sons Reach Adulthood Have you ever had any sons who reached adulthood (age 21)? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5643 HLQ_FMH_4_2 How Many Sons Reach Adulthood If you ever had any sons who reached adulthood, how many sons reached adulthood? (age 21). Number (Integer) Range: 1-10, 888, 999 number of sons
5644 HLQ_FMH_5 Mother Still Alive Is your biological mother still alive? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5645 HLQ_FMH_6 Mother Age If your biological mother is still alive, how old is your mother now? Number (Integer) Range: 50-105, 888, 999 years
5646 HLQ_FMH_7 Mother Age at Death How old was your mother when she died? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 888, 999
5647 HLQ_FMH_8 Father Still Alive Is your biological father still alive? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5648 HLQ_FMH_9 Father Age If your biological father is still alive, how old is your father now? Number (Integer) Range: 50-105, 888, 999 years
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5584 HLQ_FRH_1 Age at First Menstrual Period Female participants only: How old were you when you had your first menstrual period? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 888, 999 years
5601 HLQ_FRH_10 Pregnancies Lasted 20 Weeks or More Female participants only: Of your pregnancies, how many lasted 20 weeks or more? (Include all pregnancies that ended in live births and still births) Number (Integer) Range: 0-15, 888, 999 number of pregnancies
5602 HLQ_FRH_11 Age Completed First Birth Female participants only: How old were you when you completed your first pregnancy that lasted 20 weeks or more? Number (Integer) Range: 12-50, 888, 999 years
5603 HLQ_FRH_12 Breast Feed Female participants only: Did you breast feed or nurse any children for at least one month? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
5604 HLQ_FRH_13 Breast Feed Number Female participants only: How many children did you breast feed for at least one month? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 888, 999
5605 HLQ_FRH_14 Breast Feed First Age Female participants only: How old were you when you first breast fed a child for at least one month? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 888, 999
5606 HLQ_FRH_15 Breast Feed Total Months Female participants only: Thinking about all the children you breast fed, how many months in total did you breast feed? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 888, 999
5607 HLQ_FRH_16 Tried to Become Pregnant Female participants only: Have you ever tried to become pregnant for more than one year without becoming pregnant? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
5609 HLQ_FRH_17 No Period for One Year Female participants only: Between the time you had your first period, and your last period, did you ever go without having a period for at least one year? (Do not count times when you were pregnant or breast feeding.) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 888, 999
5612 HLQ_FRH_18 Birth Control Female participants only: Have you ever taken birth control pills for any reason? (Do not include birth control pills prescribed for menopause) Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5613 HLQ_FRH_19 Birth Control Age Female participants only: How old were you when you first started taking birth control pills? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 888, 999
5586 HLQ_FRH_2 Age at Regular Periods Female participants only: How old were you when your periods first became regular? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 888, 999
5615 HLQ_FRH_20 Birth Control Length Female participants only: In total, how long have you taken birth control pills, other than for menopause? (Please round to the nearest year.) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 888, 999
5617 HLQ_FRH_21 Think You Finished Menopause Female participants only: Do you think that you have completed menopause? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 555, 888, 999
5618 HLQ_FRH_21_a Menstrual Period Female participants only: Have you had a natural menstrual period during the past 12 months? (Answer “No” if your bleeding was induced by hormone replacement therapy.) Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 888, 999
5621 HLQ_FRH_21_b Menstrual Period Stop Naturally Female participants only: Did your menstrual periods stop occurring naturally? (Answer “No” if your periods stopped because of surgery, medication, pregnancy or breast feeding, or because you started hormone replacement therapy.) Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 888, 999
5622 HLQ_FRH_22 Menopause Age Female participants only: At what age do you think you completed menopause? Number (Integer) Range: 40-60, 555, 888, 999, 2222 years
5624 HLQ_FRH_22_a Age at last Period Female participants only: How old were you when you had your last “natural” period? Number (Integer) Range: 40-60, 555, 888, 999, 2222 years
5627 HLQ_FRH_23 Hormone Replacement Female participants only: Sometimes women take female hormones around the time of menopause. Have you ever used female hormones for menopause, e.g. tablets, pills, a patch or creams prescribed by a doctor? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5628 HLQ_FRH_24 Currently Using Hormone Replacement Female participants only: Are you currently using female hormones? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
5630 HLQ_FRH_25 Female Hormones Years Female participants only: In total, how long have you taken female hormones? (Round to the nearest year) Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 888, 999
5589 HLQ_FRH_3 Ovaries Removed Female participants only: Did you ever have an operation to have both of your ovaries removed? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5591 HLQ_FRH_4 Ovaries Removed Age Female participants only: At what age did you have both of your ovaries removed? (If you had 2 separate operations to remove your ovaries, please indicate your age at the time of your last surgery.) Number (Integer) Range: 31-69, 888, 999 years
5593 HLQ_FRH_5 Hysterectomy Female participants only: Did you ever have a hysterectomy? (An operation to have your uterus or womb removed) Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5595 HLQ_FRH_6 Hysterectomy Age Female participants only: At what age did you have your uterus (womb) removed Number (Integer) Range: 21-69, 888, 999 years
5596 HLQ_FRH_7_a Ever Been Pregnant Female participants only: Have you ever been pregnant? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888
5597 HLQ_FRH_7_b Currently Pregnant Female participants only: Are you currently pregnant? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 888, 999
5599 HLQ_FRH_8 Number of Pregnancies Female participants only: How many times have you been pregnant? Number (Integer) Range: 1-15, 888, 999 number of pregnancies
5600 HLQ_FRH_9 Pregnancies Ended Before 20 weeks Female participants only: Of your pregnancies, how many ended before 20 weeks? Number (Integer) Range: 0-15, 888, 999 number of pregnancies
15132 HLQ_HRT_USE Hormones Replacement Therapy Use Hormones Replacement Therapy Use Coded 0,1,3,888,999
Derived Code
15133 HLQ_MENOPAUSAL_STATUS Menopausal status Menopausal status Coded 0,1,888,999
Derived Code
5598 HLQ_WKS_PREG Weeks Pregnant If you are currently pregnant, about how many weeks pregnant are you? Number (Integer) Range: 4-42, 2222, 888, 999 weeks
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5631 HLQ_MRH_1 Enlarged Prostate Gland Male Participants only: Has a doctor ever told you that you have an enlarged prostate gland? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5632 HLQ_MRH_2 Surgery on Prostate Gland Male Participants only: Have you ever had surgery on your prostate gland? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5633 HLQ_MRH_3 Vasectomy Male Participants only: Have you ever had a vasectomy? (a sterilization procedure for men) Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
11089 HLQ_CHRONIC_CONDITION Chronic Health Condition List of any other long-term conditions, the participant has suffererd, that have lasted or are expected to last at least six months Text Must be a valid health condition
Derived Code
5566 HLQ_PHI_1 General Health How would you rate your general health? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
5577 HLQ_PHI_10 Diabetes Has a doctor ever told you that you diabetes? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5578 HLQ_PHI_11 Polyps Has a doctor ever told you that you had polyps in your colon or rectum? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5579 HLQ_PHI_12 Ulcerative colitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had Ulcerative colitis? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5580 HLQ_PHI_13 Crohn’s Disease Has a doctor ever told you that you had Crohn’s Disease? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5581 HLQ_PHI_14 Hepatitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had Hepatitis? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5582 HLQ_PHI_15 Cirrhosis Has a doctor ever told you that you had cirrhosis of your liver? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5568 HLQ_PHI_2 Cancer Diagnosis Has a doctor ever told you that you had cancer? (Does not include non-melanoma skin cancer) Coded 1, 2, 3, 99, 999
5570 HLQ_PHI_3 High blood pressure Has a doctor ever told you that you had high blood pressure? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5571 HLQ_PHI_4 Angina Has a doctor ever told you that you had Angina (chest pains from a heart problem) Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5572 HLQ_PHI_5 High Cholesterol Has a doctor ever told you that you had high cholesterol in your blood? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5573 HLQ_PHI_6 Heart Attack Has a doctor ever told you that you had a heart attack? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5574 HLQ_PHI_7 Stroke Has a doctor ever told you that you had a stroke? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5575 HLQ_PHI_8 Emphysema Has a doctor ever told you that you had Emphysema? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
5576 HLQ_PHI_9 Chronic bronchitis Has a doctor ever told you that you had chronic bronchitis? Coded 1, 2, 99, 999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6166 HLQ_S04_EXPRESS_TYPE S04 Express Type Type of Participation in Survey 2004 Express Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 888
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5966 HLQ_SBB_1 Digital Rectal Exam Have you ever had a digital rectal exam? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5985 HLQ_SBB_10_1 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Family history of colon or rectal cancer. Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5986 HLQ_SBB_10_2 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Part of regular checkup/routine screening Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5987 HLQ_SBB_10_3 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Age Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5988 HLQ_SBB_10_4 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Signs or symptoms of a possible problem Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5989 HLQ_SBB_10_5 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Follow-up of previous problem Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5990 HLQ_SBB_10_6 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Other Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5991 HLQ_SBB_10_Other Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Reason If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, why did you have the last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy test? Other (please specify) Text Any, 888, 999
5992 HLQ_SBB_11_1 Total Sigmoidoscopy If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, about how many times in total have you had a Sigmoidoscopy in your lifetime? Number (Integer) Range: 0-10, 888, 999 number of sigmoidoscopies
5993 HLQ_SBB_11_2 Total Colonoscopy If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, about how many times in total have you had a Colonoscopy in your lifetime? Number (Integer) Range: 0-10, 888, 999 number of colonoscopies
5967 HLQ_SBB_2 Last Digital Rectal Exam If you ever had a digital rectal exam, when was the last time you had a digital rectal exam? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999
5968 HLQ_SBB_3 Total Digital Rectal Exams If you ever had a digital rectal exam, about how many times in total have you had a digital rectal exam? Number (Integer) Range: 1-40, 888, 999 number of digital rectal exams
5971 HLQ_SBB_4 Blood Stool Test Have you ever had a Blood Stool Test? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5972 HLQ_SBB_5 Last Blood Stool Test If you ever had a Blood Stool Test done, when was the last time you had a Blood Stool Test? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999
5973 HLQ_SBB_6_1 Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test? Family history of colon or rectal cancer Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5974 HLQ_SBB_6_2 Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test? Part of regular checkup/routine screening Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5975 HLQ_SBB_6_3 Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test done? Age Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5976 HLQ_SBB_6_4 Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test done? Signs or symptoms of a possible problem Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5977 HLQ_SBB_6_5 Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test done? Follow-up of previous problem Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5978 HLQ_SBB_6_6 Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test done? Other Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5979 HLQ_SBB_6_OTHER Last Blood Stool Test Reason If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , why did you have the last Blood Stool Test done? Other (please specify) Text Any, 888, 999
5980 HLQ_SBB_7 Total Blood Stool Tests If you ever had a Blood Stool Test , about how many times have you had a Blood Stool Test in your lifetime? Number (Integer) Range: 1-20, 888, 999 number of blood stool tests
5983 HLQ_SBB_8 Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy Have you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
5984 HLQ_SBB_9 Last Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy If you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, when was the last time that you had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy exam? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5955 HLQ_SBM_1 PSA Male Participants only: Have you ever had a PSA blood test? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5956 HLQ_SBM_2 Last PSA Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, when was the last time you had a PSA test? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999
5957 HLQ_SBM_3_1 Last PSA Family History Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Family history of prostate cancer. Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5958 HLQ_SBM_3_2 Last PSA Regular Checkup Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Part of regular checkup/routine screening Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5959 HLQ_SBM_3_3 Last PSA Age Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Age Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5960 HLQ_SBM_3_4 Last PSA Signs or Symptoms Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Signs or symptoms of a possible problem. Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5961 HLQ_SBM_3_5 Last PSA Follow-up Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Follow-up of previous problem. Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5962 HLQ_SBM_3_6 Last PSA Other Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Other Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5963 HLQ_SBM_3_Other Last PSA Other Reason Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, why did you have your last PSA test? Other (please specify) Text Any, 888, 999
5964 HLQ_SBM_4 Total PSA Male Participants only: If you ever had a PSA test, about how many times in total have you had a PSA test in your lifetime? Number (Integer) Range: 1-20, 888, 999 number of PSA tests
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5931 HLQ_SBW_1 Pap Test Female Participants only: Have you ever had a Pap smear test? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5951 HLQ_SBW_10 How Many Breast Exams Female Participants only: Other than a mammogram, if have you ever had your breasts examined for lumps (tumors, cysts) by a doctor or health professional, how many times in your lifetime have you had your breasts examined for lumps by a doctor or health professional? Number (Integer) Range: 1-50, 888, 999 number of breast exams
5950 HLQ_SBW_11 Self Breast Exam Female Participants only: Have you ever examined your own breast for lumps (tumors, cysts)? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5952 HLQ_SBW_12 How Often Self Breast Exam Female Participants only: If you have ever examined your own breast for lumps (tumors, cysts), how often do you examine your breasts? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5932 HLQ_SBW_2 Last Pap Test Female Participants only: If you have ever had Pap smear test, when was the last time you had a Pap smear? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999 number of pap smear tests
5933 HLQ_SBW_3 How Many Pap Tests Female Participants only: If you have ever had Pap smear test, about how many Pap smears have you had in your lifetime? Number (Integer) Range: 1-50, 888, 999
5934 HLQ_SBW_4 Mammogram Female Participants only: Have you ever had a mammogram (a breast x-ray)? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5936 HLQ_SBW_5 Last Mammogram Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, when was the last time? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 31, 32, 888, 999
5937 HLQ_SBW_6 How Many Mammograms Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, how many mammograms in total have you had in your lifetime? Number (Integer) Range: 1-30, 888, 999 number of mammograms
5938 HLQ_SBW_7_1 Reason for Last Mammogram Family History of Breast Cancer Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Family history of breast cancer Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5939 HLQ_SBW_7_2 Reason for Last Mammogran Regular Checkup Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Part of regular checkup/routine screening. Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5940 HLQ_SBW_7_3 Reason for Last Mammogram Age Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Age Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5941 HLQ_SBW_7_4 Reason for Last Mammogram Previously Detected Lump Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Previously detected lump Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5942 HLQ_SBW_7_5 Reason for Last Mammogram HRT Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? On Hormone Replacement Therapy Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5943 HLQ_SBW_7_6 Reason for Last Mammogram Breast Problem Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Breast problem Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5944 HLQ_SBW_7_7 Reason for Last Mammogram Other Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Other (Specified in SBW_7_Other): Coded 0, 1, 888, 999
5945 HLQ_SBW_7_Other Reason for Last Mammogram Other Female Participants only: If you ever had a mammogram, why did you have your last mammogram? Other (please specify) Text Any, 888, 999
5946 HLQ_SBW_8 Breasts Examined Female Participants only: Other than a mammogram, have you ever had your breasts examined for lumps (tumors, cysts) by a doctor or health professional? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5948 HLQ_SBW_9 Last Time Breasts Examined Female Participants only: Other than a mammogram, if have you ever had your breasts examined for lumps (tumors, cysts) by a doctor or health professional, when was the last time? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6027 HLQ_SHS_1 Exposed to Second Hand Smoke Current non-smokers only: In the past year, were you exposed to second hand smoke on most days? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6028 HLQ_SHS_2 Exposed to Second Hand Smoke at Home Current non-smokers only: In the past year, were you exposed to second hand smoke at home? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6029 HLQ_SHS_3 Exposed to Second Hand Smoke in Vehicle Current non-smokers only: In the past year, were you exposed to second hand smoke in a car or other private vehicle? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6030 HLQ_SHS_4 Exposed to Second Hand Smoke in Public Places Current non-smokers only: In the past year, were you exposed to second hand smoke in public places (bars, restaurants, shopping malls, arenas, bingo halls, bowling alleys)? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6031 HLQ_SHS_5 Exposed to Second Hand Smoke Visiting Friends Current non-smokers only: In the past year, were you exposed to second hand smoke when visiting friends or relatives? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6032 HLQ_SHS_6 Exposed to Second Hand Smoke at Work Current non-smokers only: In the past year, were you exposed to second hand smoke in the work place? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
5995 HLQ_SMK_1 Smoked 100 Cigarettes Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your life? (About 4 – 5 packs) Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
6006 HLQ_SMK_10 Occasional Smokers on the days that you smoked of the last 30 days, how many cigarettes did you smoke? If at the present time you smoke cigarettes occasionally, on the days that you smoked of the last 30 days, how many cigarettes did you usually smoke? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 888, 999
6007 HLQ_SMK_11 Currently non smoker and occasional smoker: Ever Smoked Cigarettes Daily If at the present time you don't smoke cigarettes daily, have you ever smoked cigarettes daily? (At least one cigarette a day for 30 days in a row) Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
6008 HLQ_SMK_12 Former Daily Smoker Age Start Smoking Daily If at the present time you don't smoke cigarettes daily and you used to smoke cigarettes daily, at what age did you begin to smoke daily? Number (Integer) Range: 5-70, 888, 999 years
6009 HLQ_SMK_13 Former Daily Smoker: When you smoked daily, how many cigarettes did you smoke? If at the present time you don't smoke cigarettes daily and you used to smoke cigarettes daily, when you used to smoked daily, how many cigarettes did you usually smoke each day? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 888, 999
6010 HLQ_SMK_13_1 Former daily smoker: If 26+ cigarettes, how many? If at the present time you don't smoke cigarettes daily and you used to smoke more than 26 cigarettes daily, how many? Number (Integer) Range: 26-75, 2222, 888, 999 number of cigarettes / day
6011 HLQ_SMK_14 Former Daily Smoker Total Years Smoked Daily If at the present time you don't smoke cigarettes daily and you used to smoke cigarettes daily, for how many total years did you smoke daily? Number (Integer) Range: 1-65, 888, 999 years
6012 HLQ_SMK_15 Former Daily Smoker: Stopped Smoking Daily If at the present time you don't smoke cigarettes daily and you used to smoke cigarettes daily, when did you stop smoking cigarettes daily? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 888, 999
6013 HLQ_SMK_16 Smoked Cigars or Cigarillos daily Have you ever smoked cigars or cigarillos daily? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999, 2222
6014 HLQ_SMK_16_a Smoked Cigarillos Have you ever smoked cigarillos at least once per week for 6 months or more? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6015 HLQ_SMK_16_a_1 Cigarillos: For how many total years? If you have ever smoked cigarillos at least once per week for 6 months or more, for how many total years? Number (Integer) Range: 1-65, 2222, 888, 999 years
6016 HLQ_SMK_16_a_2 Cigarillos: How many per week? If you have ever smoked cigarillos at least once per week for 6 months or more, how many cigarillos per week? Number (Integer) Range: 1-70, 2222, 888, 999 number of cigarillos / week
6017 HLQ_SMK_16_b Currently Smoke Cigarillos How often do you currently smoke cigarillos? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6018 HLQ_SMK_16_c Smoked Cigars Have you ever smoked cigars at least once per week for 6 months or more? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6019 HLQ_SMK_16_c_1 Cigars: For how many total years If you have ever smoked cigars at least once per week for 6 months or more, for how many total years? Number (Integer) Range: 1-65, 2222, 888, 999 years
6020 HLQ_SMK_16_c_2 Cigars: How many per week? If you have ever smoked cigars at least once per week for 6 months or more, how many cigars per week? Number (Integer) Range: 1-30, 2222, 888, 999 number of cigars / week
10194 HLQ_SMK_16_d Currently Smoke Cigars How often do you currently smoke cigars? Number (Integer) 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6021 HLQ_SMK_16_e Smoked Pipe Daily Have you ever smoked a pipe at least once per week for 6 months or more? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6022 HLQ_SMK_16_e_1 Pipe: For how many total years? If you have ever smoked pipe at least once per week for 6 months or more, for how many total years? Number (Integer) Range: 1-65, 2222, 888, 999 years
6023 HLQ_SMK_16_e_2 Pipe: How many per week? If you have ever smoked pipes at least once per week for 6 months or more, how many pipes per week? Number (Integer) Range: 1-70, 2222, 888, 999 number of pipes / week
6024 HLQ_SMK_16_f Currently Smoke Pipe How often do you currently smoke a pipe? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6025 HLQ_SMK_17 Ever Smoked Pipe Daily Have you ever smoked a pipe daily? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
6026 HLQ_SMK_18 Do you currently smoke either cigars, cigarillos, or a pipe Do you currently smoke either cigars, cigarillos, or a pipe daily or occasionally? Coded 1, 2, 3, 2222, 999
5996 HLQ_SMK_2 Smoked Whole Cigarette Have you ever smoked a whole cigarette? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5997 HLQ_SMK_3 Age at First Cigarette At what age did you smoke your first whole cigarette? Number (Integer) Range: 5-70, 888, 999 years
5998 HLQ_SMK_4 Present Smoking Status At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes daily, occasionally, or not at all? Coded 1, 2, 3, 888, 999
5999 HLQ_SMK_5 Daily Smoker: Age Start Smoking Daily If at the present time you smoke cigarettes daily, at what age did you begin smoking cigarettes daily? Number (Integer) Range: 5-70, 888, 999 years
6000 HLQ_SMK_6 Daily smoker: Current Smoking Amount If at the present time you smoke cigarettes daily, how many cigarettes do you smoke each day now? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 888, 999
6001 HLQ_SMK_6_1 Daily Smoker: If 26+ Cigarettes, how many? If at the present time you smoke more than 26 cigarettes daily, how many? Number (Integer) Range: 26-75, 2222, 888, 999 number of cigarettes / day
6002 HLQ_SMK_7 Daily Smoker: Total Years Smoking If at the present time you smoke cigarettes daily, for how many total years have you smoked daily? Number (Integer) Range: 1-65, 888, 999 years
6003 HLQ_SMK_8 Daily Smoker: Average Daily Smoking Amount over Total Smoking Years If at the present time you smoke cigarettes daily, during the total years that you have smoked daily, about how many cigarettes per day have you usually smoked? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 888, 999
6004 HLQ_SMK_8_1 Daily Smoker: Average Daily Smoking Amount over Total Smoking Years: If 26+, how many? If at the present time you smoke cigarettes daily, and during your total smoking years you smoked more than 26 cigarettes daily, how many? Number (Integer) Range: 26-75, 2222, 888, 999 number of cigarettes / day
6005 HLQ_SMK_9 Occasional Smoker: Days Smoked in Last 30 Days If at the present time you smoke cigarettes occasionally, on how many of the last 30 days did you smoke at least one cigarette? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 888, 999
5994 HLQ_SMK_STATUS Smoking Status Smoking status of participant Coded 1, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 4, 999
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6066 HLQ_SPI_1 Spirituality Do spirituality values or faith play an important role in your life? Coded 1, 2, 999
6067 HLQ_SPI_2 How Spiritual How religious or spiritual do you consider yourself to be? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 999
6090 HLQ_SPI_3 Attend Religious Services Other than special occasions (such as weddings, funerals or baptisms), on average, how often have you attended religous services or religous meetings in the last 12 months? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2222, 999
6091 HLQ_SPI_3_a How Often Spirituality Practiced People may practice or express their spirituality in many different ways, for example through prayer or meditation, or by attending services or gatherings. On average, during the past 12 months how often have you practiced your spirituality in some way? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2222, 999
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
15129 HLQ_Affectionate_Support_Index Affectionate Support Index The affectionate support index was calculated using questions HLQ_SPT_6, HLQ_SPT_20, HLQ_SPT_10 where higher scores are indicative of higher levels of affectionate support Number (Decimal) 0-100 Index
Derived Code
15127 HLQ_Emotional_Support_Index Emotional Support Index The emotional support index was calculated using questions HLQ_SPT_3, HLQ_SPT_4, HLQ_SPT_8, HLQ_SPT_9, HLQ_SPT_13, HLQ_SPT_16, HLQ_SPT_17, HLQ_SPT_19 where higher scores are indicative of higher levels of emotional support Number (Decimal) 0-100 Index
Derived Code
15130 HLQ_Positive_Support_Index Positive Support Index The positive support index was calculated using questions HLQ_SPT_6, HLQ_SPT_20, HLQ_SPT_10 where higher scores are indicative of higher levels of positive support Number (Decimal) 0-100 Index
Derived Code
6064 HLQ_SPT_1 Number of Close Friends/Relatives About how many close friends and close relatives do you have (people you feel at ease with and can talk to about what is on your mind)? Write in the number of close friends and close relatives. Include your spouse and immediate family, if appropriate Number (Integer) Range: 0-99, 999 number of close friends and relatives
6076 HLQ_SPT_10 Support - Hugs How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to hug Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6077 HLQ_SPT_11 Support - Get Together How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to get together with for relaxation Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6078 HLQ_SPT_12 Support - Prepare Meals How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to prepare your meals if you were unable to do it yourself Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6079 HLQ_SPT_13 Support - Advice How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone whose advice you really want Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6080 HLQ_SPT_14 Support - Mind Off Things How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to do things with to help you get your mind off things Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6081 HLQ_SPT_15 Support - Daily Chores How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to help you with daily chores if you were sick Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6085 HLQ_SPT_16 Support - Worries and Fears How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to share your most private worries and fears with Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6086 HLQ_SPT_17 Support - Suggestions How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to turn to for suggestions about how to deal with a personal problem Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6087 HLQ_SPT_18 Support - Enjoyable Activity How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to do something enjoyable with Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6088 HLQ_SPT_19 Support - Understand Problems How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone who understands your problems Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6065 HLQ_SPT_2 Support - Confined to Bed How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to help you if you were confined to bed? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6089 HLQ_SPT_20 Support - Love and Wanted How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to love you and make you feel wanted Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6069 HLQ_SPT_3 Support - Listen How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone you can count on to listen to you when you need to talk Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6070 HLQ_SPT_4 Support - Advice About Crisis How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to give you advice about a crisis Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6071 HLQ_SPT_5 Support - Take to Doctor How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to take you to the doctor if you needed it Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6072 HLQ_SPT_6 Support - Love and Affection How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone who shows you love and affection Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6073 HLQ_SPT_7 Support - Good Time How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to have a good time with Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6074 HLQ_SPT_8 Support - Information How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to give you information in order to help you understand a situation Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
6075 HLQ_SPT_9 Support - Confide In How often is each of the following kinds of support available to you? Someone to confide in and talk to about yourself or your problems Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999
15128 HLQ_Tangible_Support_Index Tangible Support Index The tangible support index was calculated using questions HLQ_SPT_2, HLQ_SPT_5, HLQ_SPT_12, HLQ_SPT_15 where higher scores are indicative of higher levels of tangible support Number (Decimal) 0-100 Index
Derived Code
15131 HLQ_Total_Support_Index Total Support Index The overall functional support index was calculated using questions HLQ_SPT_2 - HLQ_SPT_19 Number (Decimal) 0-100 Index
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6041 HLQ_STR_1 Stressful Situations: Too many things at once Stressful Situations: You are trying to take on too many things at once. Coded 1, 2, 999
6051 HLQ_STR_10 Stressful Situations: Child unhappy If you have any children, one of your children seems very unhappy. Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6053 HLQ_STR_11 Stressful Situations: Behaviour of Child Concerning If you have any children, the behaviour of one of your children is a source of serious concern to you. Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6054 HLQ_STR_12 Stressful Situations: Work at Home not Appreciated Your work around the home is not appreciated. Coded 1, 2, 999
6055 HLQ_STR_13 Stressful Situations: Friends Bad Influence Your friends are a bad influence. Coded 1, 2, 999
6056 HLQ_STR_14 Stressful Situations: Want to move but can't You would like to move but can’t. Coded 1, 2, 999
6057 HLQ_STR_15 Stressful Situations: Neighborhood or Community Noisy or Polluted Your neighborhood or community is too noisy or polluted. Coded 1, 2, 999
6058 HLQ_STR_16 Stressful Situations: Parent, Child or Partner in Bad Health You have a parent, a child or a partner who is in very bad health and may die. Coded 1, 2, 999
6060 HLQ_STR_17 Stressful Situations: Family Alcohol, Drug or Gambling problem Someone in your family has an alcohol, drug or gambling problem. Coded 1, 2, 999
6061 HLQ_STR_18 Stressful Situations: People Critical of what you do People are too critical of you or what you do. Coded 1, 2, 999
6042 HLQ_STR_2 Stressful Situations: Pressure to be like others There is too much pressure on you to be like other people. Coded 1, 2, 999
6043 HLQ_STR_3 Stressful Situations: Too much expected of you by others Too much is expected of you by others. Coded 1, 2, 999
6044 HLQ_STR_4 Stressful Situations: Not enough money You don’t have enough money to buy the things you need. Coded 1, 2, 999
6045 HLQ_STR_5 Stressful Situations: Partner doesn't understand you Participants who are married or living with a partner only; Your partner doesn’t understand you. Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6046 HLQ_STR_6 Stressful Situations:Partner not enough affection Participants who are married or living with a partner only; Your partner doesn’t show you enough affection. Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6047 HLQ_STR_7 Stressful Situations: Partner not committed to relationship Participants who are married or living with a partner only; Your partner is not committed enough to your relationship. Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6048 HLQ_STR_8 Stressful Situations: Difficult to find someone compatible Participants who are single, widowed, seperated or divorced only; You find it difficult to find someone compatible with you. Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6050 HLQ_STR_9 Do you have any children? Do you have any children? (Include grown children and step children.) Coded 1, 2, 999
15126 HLQ_Stress_Index Stress Index The stress index was calculated using questions HLQ_STR_1 – HLQ_STR_18 where higher scores are indicative of higher chronic stress. Number (Decimal) 0-100 Index
Derived Code
Var ID Var Name Label Description Type Valid Values Unit
6033 HLQ_SUN_1 Sunburn In the past year, has any part of your body been sunburned? Coded 1, 2, 999
6035 HLQ_SUN_2 Blistering If, in the past year, any part of your body has been sunburned, did any of your sunburns involve blistering? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6037 HLQ_SUN_3 Pain Lasting More Than 1 Day If, in the past year, any part of your body has been sunburned, did any of your sunburns involve pain or discomfort that lasted for more than 1 day? Coded 1, 2, 888, 999
6038 HLQ_SUN_4 Untanned Skin Color What would you say that the untanned skin color of your inner upper arm is? Coded 1, 2, 3, 999
6040 HLQ_SUN_5 Time Spent in Sun During this past June through August, on a typical day outdoors, approximately how much time did you spend in the sun between 11am and 4pm? Coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 999
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